Friday, January 23, 2009

The Stress Factor -- Jan. 23, 2009

I discovered this week that stress is a killer of thinking. I had the opportunity to be under an unusual amount of high stress this past week and I found that my mind shut down all major functionality except the bare necessities: Breathing, pumping blood, etc. (I am grateful for that!) But everything else was black. Nasty business for certain! But I have learned from the past and from that knowledge blossomed wisdom. (I define wisdom as knowledge put into practice) My first stop was the Throne of Grace. I can't remember a time in my life that I have ever been so humbled. (I know it's probably killing you to not know what my trouble was but I am not going to tell you. I am not trying to be mean, I just do not want to go into all of the details) I found to my great joy that promised peace that transcends all comprehension. I was amazed! One day, no answers, I was frantic and shutdown. The next day I had no answers but I was full of peace as I continually sought God's hand. What a humbling, joyous time! I do not want to go through that pain again but it was so blessed. Whenever you are drawn closer to God it is a good thing for sure, even if the circumstances are not what you would choose!

Now I have answers and my joy is even more full! But it was not a time I look back on with fondness other than the afore mentioned closer walk with God.

It is good to be on the other side of pain. But even so there are other tunnels that are approaching but if we take what we have learned from our past trials the future tribulations don't look as dreary as they one time might have, if, that is, you have taken what you learned from past trials and apply the lessons. Remember: Wisdom.


Bye for now! I hope you all have a peaceful quiet weekend.



Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today's Muse -- Jan. 15, 2009

I'm at lunch right now and just finished my daily dose of ratings. There are so many opinions about various subjects that the best one can do at times, is to agree to disagree. Even within one's own circle of friends who share common beliefs, there are differing ways of looking at certain topics. Unfortunately,this is why we have many church denominations. The various and differing beliefs drive us to seek out those of a more common belief structure. I am sure it does not please God. Unity is His call and we fall far short of that calling.

When I rate an article I am looking to see how the article fits in with the subject title. I then look for mechanics and structure. One thing that will turn me off in an instant is preaching. If an author is preaching to me, even if I totally agree with his or her stance, I instantly give a lower rating or choose the competing article; as long as that article is not a complete mess. I have been known to do a skip if both articles are terrible or if both are preachy. There is no room to be preachy. I have found that it is a relatively simple task to get your point across without in-your-face- preachy-ness.

On the other hand, a well thought out article, even if I am am totally opposed to the author's point of view, will receive a higher rating based on its form and quality. I'm not necessarily looking for what I agree with but how well the article is written. I do have to say that if there is an article subject I do not hold with, it is much harder reading than with subject matter I do agree with, but I try really hard to be a neutral "editor".

Switching gears now...

I was diagnosed with asthma almost twenty years ago. It has not been something that causes me great problems and I have never been in the hospital for it. But my asthma seems to be more of a ninja warrior, a stealthy invader. One of whom I am not aware until I actually treat it. Here is what I mean:

I initially went to the doctor because at the most unusual times I would have this irritating dry cough. I didn't think too much of it until one evening, I worked the 3-11 shift at this time, I was sitting with some of the ladies of another department and they told the story of how one of the ladies husbands had a strange cough that had been misdiagnosed and and it turned out he had terminal lung cancer. I'm not usually paranoid about these things but for some odd reason this story really struck my heart, so I went to the doctor only to discover I had asthma.

My asthma is triggered, for the most part, by allergens; dust, mold, and cat dander are among the most potent of the triggers. Times that I am in areas with such things in the room will trigger an allergic reaction and launch an asthma attack. (Too much caffeine A couple puffs of my inhaler and I am good. However, there are the more usual and subtle attacks; attacks I don't really associate with asthma. Aches, pains, especially in my lower back and the upper sides of my torso. these pains can last for days and cause me to loose sleep even. Case-in-point: This past month I have had all these signs and symptoms and have had a tremendously poor sleeping record. So last night I decided to take a stand. I still did not realize I was dealing with asthma but I took three Ibuprofen, used my Netty Pot to cleanse my sinuses (highly recommended!) and I was my inhaler.

Now I have to say I do not like using my inhaler because it tends to freak out my nerves and I can get jittery. In fact, I absolutely will not use it on the days I donate plasma because it elevates my heart rate. So I try to use it at night whenever possible.

I did this last night and the combination of the Netty pot and inhaler really sent a swig of oxygen to my brain and I gladly went to sleep. It was the best sleep I had had in weeks! Once again, my stealthy enemy had attacked my lungs and caused my more trouble than it should have caused! By the time I realize what's happening, I have been suffering for days, if not weeks (as in this case) and not realized what was happening to me.

It is a tricky enemy but I love experimenting to see if there are natural things that will can help my condition. I do know for a fact that my overweight condition is not helping and I am working on that area but I also want to see if there are other things that would help too.

I am not a naturalist nut job but I really do believe there are natural things that can help us in our daily ailments. I am convinced of it! I just need to research more and see what is true. What I find to be the most reliable source of truth is people I actually know who have tried things for themselves. With that in mind, as I experiment I can then be a witness to the benefits of the things I try. We'll see what happens.

My goodness how I have rambled! Well, I will let you all go now and rest your weary eyes. Talk to you soon!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An Experiment -- Jan. 14, 2009

I have been reading a lot about a couple of products that people seem to be raving about: Bromalite and Acai. Now, I am not usually one to go in for pills and that sort of thing but the more reading that I have done about these two products the more I thought I would give them a try, and for $10 for a 30 day supply, I did not think I could go wrong.

The Bromalite is supposed to help cleanse your colon, something I have been intrigued about for a long time but up until now have not put much stock into it. And the Acai is made from the Acai berry and is supposed to give you a good shot of energy.

A couple months ago I did the same thing with a product called FRS touted by the one and only, Lance Armstrong. I was skeptical about that too but for shipping and handling, I gave it a two week trial. It worked GREAT! I loved it! The only problem is that I can't afford to keep using it now so I have not. This is the reason I decided to try these two products too. It is cheap and there is enough to let me know if it will work or not. I will keep you posted.

One last note: If you are trying to sell a product and you truly believe in it, give away samples! It is a great way to get your product into the hands of interested buyers and could end with you making some good and loyal customers. I would be one of those with the FRS product if I could afford it. It really worked! I hope Acai and Bromalite work. I want it to...does that count?

For now I will sign off but keep looking up, your salvation is nigh!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just Plain Frivolity! -- Jan. 6, 2008

Unlike my usual posts today I do not have anything earthshaking to share with all of you out there. Normally, my posts are full of useful information and witty and whimsical prose that you cannot bear to wait for! This time, however, I just feel like banging out a few words just for the sake of writing. I hope you're not too disappointed...

We are already six days into the new year and I have not written '2008' on anything yet. (Well, except for that 2008 I just wrote here and that one there...other than that, I have not written 2008. (OPPS! I did it again!) That fact, in and of itself is most unusual. It usually takes me 4-6 months before I'm over that little problem. Anyway, the year has started out somewhat quietly work-wise. I have a couple carry-over projects from last year (2008...There it is AGAIN!) but there is still a long ways to go before I really have an in-depth part to play but I must be involved now so I know how to implement my portion of the project.

MY calendar looks pretty empty but Alyssa's...that is a whole other story! She is a busy girl! At least she can drive! If she was still a non-driver, MY calendar would be much busier too! And speaking of driving, this is the year Logan can get his learner's permit! YIKES! is all I have to say! (At least I didn't write 2008 again! CRUD!)

It looks like we will be doing the GPL Foundation Pancake Breakfast the third week of February this year. If you're going to be around, come on out for some pancakes. We do not charge a thing but we do take donations. We use this event to help with the expenses of our summer softball tournament. It is always a good time. (Unless, of course, there is an ice storm like we had two years ago.)

I am co-teaching with Pastor Bryan in Sunday School on a few of the parables. They are really something! I have never really taken much time to study them prior to this class and they are full of great lessons! I did the "Pharisee and the Tax Collector" last Sunday and plan to teach on the parable of the "Rich Man and Lazarus" this coming Sunday. At this point I will also teach on Feb. first but I don't know what parable I will teach on then, at this point.

Well, I think that sums up 2009 so far. I hope you and yours are having a wonderful new year and that the Lord would bless your plans as you leave them in His hands this brand new shiny year!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's Here! 2009 Has Arrived! -- Jan. 1, 2009

The New Year is upon us and one thing that I have in mind for the start of this new year is a time of reflection. To look back at was has been and see if there is anything that I need to change or improve upon. With introspection I have seen many areas that need to change in my own life and many Mistakes I have made, not just in this past year but from way back when and have whipped up on me in this past year. But instead of backing up the dump truck and unloading all the guilt and shame I will allow myself some grace, as my God has, and try taking bite sized chunks to start the improvement process.

There are two areas that I have set out as a starting point:

1) My weight. I am way too heavy and I am tired of being tired. My goal is to lose 30 pounds this year. (I need to lose more but I will start small.) This equates to about less than three pounds a month which I believe is obtainable.

2) My writing. Though I have become more prolific in the last couple of months I want to do even better than that. I also would like to stretch myself more in the areas of research and becoming more profitable with my writing.

I did not mention a couple of other areas that I have seen take a nose dive this past year, because I want them to be a part of all I do and not just be something to strive for.

1) Make God a art of everything. In everything I do I want to do my very best. No more half way. No more mediocrity.

2) Integrity. I have always thought of myself as being a man of integrity but I saw this area slip this past year and I was in shame at some of the things I did or did not do.

Without the hand of God on my life I cannot hope to attain to any of these things so it is to Him I look first and foremost. I also need to come up with a plan, a mission, if you will, to get me on track and keep me focused on the things I need to do this year. Saying "No" will be a part of the plan.

Take some time to reflect on this past year. This is a new year with new challenges and new opportunities! Make plans, turn them over to God, and put your heart into all that you do! I think you will be surprised at the results!

Happy New Year to all of you!
