Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pictures of My New Haven—Jan. 13, 2008

Here they are! The pictures I promised of the progress of my new office. I really don't like the word "office". In my mind an "office" is the place where you work or pay bills or other such not-creative activities! I like to think of my space as more of a haven, a getaway, a place to create and study. I am very excited about getting to use it! My friend and coworker, Dave, helped get the furring strips and new wall up before he had to go. Thanks, Dave!

The first picture is of the room where my new haven will be created in after it has been cleaned out. (A project in itself!) I taped it off to give an indication of the size. Pretty small but it will work!

Here are a couple of picture with a chair to give you a better idea of what it will look like. In the end I will have a chair on wheels that swivels so movement will be efficient and easy.

The materials are here! Let's get building!

We started with the furring strips. The new wall is up and I'm doing a little clean up before I put up the drywall. Speaking of drywall…Oh look! The drywall is here!

The drywall is up inside the haven. The back wall is in a holding pattern as I made a mistake. I forgot that when you by 1x2 furring strips it REALLY means you have purchased 1/2 x 1-1/2 inch furring strips so the 1 inch insulation I bought is WAY too big!

Hre we see the mighty Logan Larson helping his dad with his surprisingly powerful muscles! (He's a real ox!) Looks like we'd better feed this beast!

It's obvious I enjoyed Christmas a little too much!

Here's my lovely wife just because I think she's gorgeous! And she said YES to my new little haven!

I also want to thank my dad for his phone advice and for the times he taught me to do this work. I am not in his league at all but as you can see I learned enough to get'er done! And I look forward to mom and dad coming over to help put in the all important desk area.

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