Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Photos – Apr. 19, 2009

Here are some of the photos I took while on my adventure on the 17th.

I was pleasantly surprised at how well they turned out (digital photography can make the most inept look good!) mostly because the little, I mean tiny, video screen I can’t see in the best of times and the sun was so bright the only thing I could see was my reflection. So what I did was point the camera at the object I hoped to capture and pushed the button. Here are the results. I hope these will entice you to setup a time to go hiking with me sometime!


Here is a picture of Indian Creek right off the main path.


You can see the beautiful sky and if you really squint, I mean really squint, you can see the moon. (It’s the white speck right in the middle of the picture) The day was so incredible the moon stuck around to take it all in.


One week ago Pastor Bryan and I followed this same path and the green you see in this picture was all black from he burn they did. Maybe not so impressive until you realize that it was black less than seven days ago! God’s creation is so amazing!


You can see one of the snobbish musk rats in the picture. He likes the limelight and so I got him in the middle. He was not so amiable when I asked him to tea. How rude!


Here we have the curious Mr... Turtle. He is just one of four that I saw and he was watching me as closely as I was watching him, in fact I think he may have had a camera too as I swear I saw a flash once in awhile. I’m probably being posted on his blog as we speak. (If you run across it let me know. I’d like to see if he got my good side.)


Here we have the melodious red wing black bird. Although not overly friendly, they were curious.

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These are the last three photos I will submit for now. This has become one of my favorites. It is a wetland down in a little valley and at this time of year, has an abundance of water. It is just a peaceful and beautiful area.

Let me know know if you would like to see these up close and personal. I would be overjoyed to take you on an in-person tour!

For now…


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