Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random Variations on The Theory of Evolution – Apr. 14, 2010

"Information habitually arises from conscious activity."

-Henry Quastler

I'm becoming more and more interested in the whole Evolution vs. Intelligent Design ID) debate. One the one hand you have the proponents of Evolutionary Theory. They seem to be stepping up boldly and proclaiming that the debate is over and evolution wins; Hands down, no arguments.

One question I have is why are their own people defecting to the ID side? Take prominent British Philosopher, repudiated his life-long adherence to atheism based in part of the evidence of intelligent design.

One sign I like to look for in an individual is their willingness to learn, to set aside preconceived notions and listen to what someone else has to say. I love doing this myself. Sometimes it hurts my feelings when a long held belief or "fact" is soundly countermanded but if it is true I learn to accept it. I'm not afraid to listen to other points of view. Staunch Evolutionists do not fit in the category of "willing to learn". I wonder what they are afraid of. If they have the answers why not face the world and once and for all dispel the "myth" of Intelligent Design? I would theorize that the reason they don't is because they can't.

Contrary to this are the staunch evolutionists who refuse to even debate. The scientists who back ID are relegated to posting their defense of ID on blog sites whereas the Evolutionists have full might of the media at their disposal. It is arrogance plain and simple. (I wonder from what arrogance evolved? I would guess from some form of grasshopper...Maybe Cro-Magnon-Hopper) In their arrogance they claim Evolution to be the "true" science but science by its very definition should be open to study and correction when necessary and not an immovable stubbornness that refuses to look at all the evidence.

Others are so determined to avoid the truth they flatly deny any attempt at debate. Such is the case with Dr. Richard Dawkins when Dr. Stephan Meyer challenged him to a debate in evolution vs. ID. His representatives told Dr. Meyer that Dr. Dawkins does not debate with Creationists. This is nothing more than fear, fear of facing the truth, because unlike the proponents of Evolutionary theory claim, Intelligent Design is theology but a methodical observation and study of life and its origins.

True science, true scientists would not be fearful of looking at all the evidence and adjusting their theories based on what they observed. So what does this say about our staunch Evolutionists friends?

The more the evidence points to intelligent design the more the proponents of evolution close their eyes and plug their ears.

Pride and fear come together and form a barrier to truth. Though intelligent design is based on scientific research and observation, taking the next step and finding God and discovering that He is holding us responsible is what lies at the very heart of our evolutionary friends' minds.

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