I see from the calendar that I have once again delved deeply into the mines of laziness and have not posted since April 19th!
Well, now I have a couple things I would like to share.
First, I have been world building for my story. It has gone OK... I know I don’t sound excited but it really is fun. The more I think about the different scenes the more holes I see that need to be filled. There are a lot of questions to be answered and I am still uncertain about the ending. I have a couple of twists I have been toying with…:-)
Though I have spent at least a few minutes almost every day for the last month or so working on it I still feel that I have not dedicated myself to the process as I should have been doing. You’re right, it’s not too late but I still bemoan the fact that I could be much farther along than I am. It can be daunting at times if not down right overwhelming! But when I think of the possibilities I can soar with ideas. In fact, I am considering adding some scars from an ancient wizard-war that could add some intriguing twists…
This is an area that I have admittedly been somewhat thin on…I am so easily distracted for one thing. I really hate that! Those times that God grants to me focus I fly and good things seem to happen but the other times this lack of focus is a real enemy!
I want to leave you with a saying from a gentleman who spoke at our church for our annual Spring Bible Conference. His name was Dr. Ron Sauer and he is a neat individual. He had a wonderful series with plenty to muse over but one particular saying I have come to memorize. In fact, I have made a special print copy and hung it in my cube.
It goes like this:
Discipline: Doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, in the manner it ought to be done, regardless of how I feel about it.