Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Wii Update – July 14, 2009

No, Wii is not a new toy in our home, just a play on words and  though Logan probably wouldn’t complain too much if it were a new toy for him.  No, this is just a quick writing update.

So far I have not met the goal I had for 2000 words a day starting July 1 but I have filled a few holes in the plot line and hopefully make things a little more three dimensional so I have not been idle.

I have been praying for God’s guidance and I think I’m learning some things from this “test” novel. It is not easy and with my short attention span it makes focusing on a thread of plot or sub-plot is not too good. This is maddening because on rare occasions I am able to focus, I have an awesome time! I wish I could do this more often.

Right now I’m toying with having Lon and Breia having to get a ride on a Trogan Slaver ship. This helped me add some tension on their trek from Majica and Raven’s Point on their way to the Isle of Bane. It has been a hoot and I love using my imagination! You can create anything with your imagination. What a gift from God!

At this point in time I have forty pages written. This is, of course, the rough draft and rough it is! I have had to immobilize my internal editor but he still strains to see over the fence and even lofts his criticisms from way back there! I did let him out for a few hours a week or so ago because I had to do some clean up because of a new revelation and had to remove the “old way” I had started. At some point you have to stop making changes but for now my novel is a hot bed of experimentation! (Is that cliché or what?)

That’s it! (I KNOW! Such a short post!)


Bye for now!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Various Updates – July 5, 2009

I know this is a bit out of character for me to post this close to my last post but now that I have actually been writing I feel I have some things to talk about.

I continue to bring my writing before the Lord and He keeps confirming that I should be doing this by the peace I have in my heart and the desire He has set in that place.  He has not; however, told me that I would ever be a best selling author or a selling author of any type but once I hit the “zone” I have a hard time stopping and I think about the story more and more often.  I have to say it is FUN! It taxes my brain and I have despaired once or twice but God has helped me over those hurdles. In one instant he has provided a good friend who enjoys the same genre of books I do so I have been able to explain what I want to do and he and I have talked through the issues. Twice now God has used him to help me past some sticky points. And then He uses the very imagination He has blessed me with. Sometimes to get past one of those pesky obstacles I have simply sat back and stared thinking through the possibilities and an idea forms. It has been great fun! Wouldn’t it be great to do this full time? At this point I have no religion in my story and I feel it is missing something so I would not be surprised if some type of religion pops up and gets woven into the story web, but I can’t say for sure!

The 2000 word\day mark I set for myself has not yet born the fruit I had hoped it would but I have run into more storyline problems than I had thought I had. This time has not been all wasted though! I have been able to work through some of the problems I had and I actually let my internal editor out for a little play time and he helped me to clean up some problem areas I had and redirect the plotline in the new direction. He had fun and he was so cute to watch! (I wish I had taken some pictures!) Anyway when I finally put him away I had most of my rough draft problems cleared up along with some of the confusion that was starting to creep in. It was looking like a big mess but it is all better now and I should be able to write at a faster rate, at least for a while.

I have completed thirty-six pages of rough draft as of this writing and I am not done yet tonight. Kim and I took a nice walk and I wanted to get another posting out but I would love to make the forty-page mark before I go to bed, I just don’t know if it’ll happen or not. On the plus side I am not overly tired right now. In fact, lately my mental faculties have been much better than they have in a long time. I am not smarter just seem to be able to use what I do have in a more effective manor. I praise God for this because I hate the fog I walked around in for the last 30 years! I am convinced it has to do with the fact that I have stopped drinking pop. I have no way to prove my theory but only to say that my mind’s functioning has improved since I have stopped drinking pop. (now if I could only cut back on the rest of the crap I intake!)

Alyssa leaves tomorrow for a week at Chicago to get some evangelism training. It should be a very good experience for her and I hope the Lord will use it in her life. Please pray for her in those lines and for safety for their traveling.

Logan has one more week of baseball with the 8th grade team. There have been a lot of rainouts this year, it does not seem like we’ve had a full season but it has been enjoyable.

The Holy Spirit has been having me focus on the lives of Joseph and Daniel in my Bible study times. There are a lot of parallels and some cool lessons.  I will pass on more to you as I learn.

Well, I’m getting back to my other writing!

Keep your dreams alive and work hard. Lay your plans in God’s hands and He will help you!
