Thursday, October 23, 2008

Breathing Helium – Oct. 23, 2008

I had some really fun news today! I got an email from telling me that I am now a PREMIER WRITER! It is a motivation for me to receive this encouragement.

From what I have been able to tell so far this really only means that enough of the articles I have written have been good enough to get a top 25% rating which means that I get access to premier articles in the "Market Place" writing area. This is the area that publishers use to get the best article and pay more than the penny or two I get for someone like you reading my article.

For me this is a wonderful encouragement from God to continue writing and that I need to kick it up a notch!

Thank you to all who have read my articles and I would ask that you would pray that God would use my articles to glorify His name. If I gain anything from my writing, then that would be a bonus but if God gets the  glory that is what is really important.

Bye for now!

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