Wednesday, October 29, 2008

In God's Image - Creator --Oct. 29, 2008

When God created mankind (Male AND Female!)  He made us in His image with intelligence, will, and...CREATIVITY! Just look around you and you will see creativity everywhere! From the buildings we live in to computers we work or play with, creativity is everywhere. To deny we are a people of creativity is to not only deny what is right before your eyes but also deny God's image. For indeed He is THE Creator.

As I have been exploring who I am (I wish I would have started this YEARS ago!) one thing that comes to light again and again is my desire to create. I love to create! Especially with words. For me to create however, is much different than my Creator, for He is able to create with just the thought but I have not been granted that skill, I have to apply myself.

I have read a LOT about writing novels, short stories, etc., and time and time again they authors tell me, clear as day, that it is not an easy task, it takes time and effort. For me, being a little slower than you out there, it takes time for all of this to really sink in and only when I truly apply myself to a task do I finally come to understand. It is the same with my writing. Even though all these veteran writers are telling me that there is no magic bullet to writing and even the veterans have to dig a scratch and fight to get the words onto the paper (however much they love their jobs!) it is still work. This realization has FINALLY dawned in my heart and mind!

I picked one of my many story ideas and have determined to go as far as possible with it, following the teachings of those I have decided to follow for writing advice. There is so much good advice out there that if you don't pick a small portion to follow you will never be able to get any writing done as I have been discovering!

In this story I have began to develop a plot line and a few characters. Of course I already have a map but right now I am focusing on my characters. Wanting them to be more than talking heads or two dimensional freaks I am spending time trying to develop who they are by asking questions as to their history, what they want, where do they want to go, what is preventing them from getting what they want, etc. It is a long process, especially if you have more than one character. But it is exciting! Why? Because I am creating! Just like my Heavenly Father only with a lot more effort! I can't simply speak a story into existence but I can take what I know and mold it into a character with a real life, real history, real wants and needs. The really cool thing about all this work is that you, the reader, may never see any of the character's history but, if done correctly, this information makes the character someone real to you and has you cheering for him or against him, depending on the circumstances. It is very very cool!! In fact, (you're gonna laugh at me hear!) I have read books where the characters were so real to me I almost felt the need to pray for them! Can you believe that?!? That is how I want my characters to be and spending time planning their past lives, giving them a life outside of the story brings them right off the page and into your hearts! That how I want to create!

I owe all this to my Creator, God Himself! He has created me in His image and I want to follow in His footsteps to glorify His name! And in His strength alone will I be successful.

Bye for now!

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