Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tag – I’m It? –June 26, 2007

Well, I have been tagged. I don't recall the last time I was tagged and the problem I have with this is that I only know 3 people who blog so Greg, your six names is a huge daunting task for me!

Here goes:

  1. I have a problem with reading as some people have with watching tv.
  2. I think too much and don't act on those thoughts enough.
  3. I love hiking in the woods when it's snowing.
  4. I love to watch cartoons, my favorite is "Dexter's Lab"
  5. I love to write but I'm not too good at it…yet
  6. I love to take long car rides as long as I have a good supply of books on cd.
  7. Chocolate chip cookies and milk are the way to my heart.
  8. Seven items is the extent of my list because I value your sanity!

Ok there are my eight things. And now for the last part (I am a rule follower. Opps! That's #9—My Bad!)J

Greg H(You're my writing inspiration), Kelly(It's time for YOU to get a blog as well!), Ross (I feel like I know you because I hear so much about you from Greg so I am applying blog-peer pressure as well! J), Jenna( I have seen your blog and love it!), Alyssa( Get a blog, girl!)

I am stopping here. That would be…let me see…1…2…3…4…5… Five.

That should encourage you, Greg! I have fewer friends than you and one of those is my daughter! LOL!




Jenna said...

Your daughter used to have a blog way back in the day, but I can't remember the address anymore.

I didn't realize you read my blog, so it was quite a surprise to be tagged! :) I like blogging, it's a fun way to keep up with Iowa people.

Greg said...

I should have said "no tag-backs".

Kelly said...

Well Greg, you got me going on this craziness of blogging! But, I'm not playing tag. The only people I know who blog were already tagged. Yes, I am a party-pooper. Keep writing, Dude.