Monday, September 24, 2007
A Word of Encouragement
Friday, September 21, 2007
Grace on Display -- Sept. 21, 2007
Each one of us on this little blue ball in space is a recipient of God's grace. "He makes the rain fall on the just and the unjust"... However, there are times when we seem to need a extra special injection of love and grace and when we get it it's like being reborn!
I am not talking about salvation from the spiritual sense here; I am talking about being a believer and being in a position that requires nothing more than grace and love.
This year my family and I have been on a roller coaster ride of proportions that we have not seen since Grady died, some five and a half years ago! Stress crept in as a serpent in the garden early and often this year and each time God, in His timing, displayed His grace and mercy through willing servants who modeled God's grace and mercy.
I always want to be a blessing to someone else but this year I have been the Jerry Rice of grace, the receiver. In fact, when I have tried to be the quarterback, the play turned into a flea flicker and I received the "ball" again! (See my blog on Grandma Vi.)
I have come to the realization that there are times when you can be used as a blessing in someone else's life but there are times when you are the one who receives the goodness of others.
To be honest, what I have gained, what I have been shown and have learned through these anxious times, by seeing the men and women of God come along side and demonstrate in incredible ways, God's grace and love, far outweighs any material benefit we have received.
When God moves the mountains we have created in our lives due to stress, sin, or whatever has caused us to be in the distressed place we are in, melts in the heat of His love and grace and the freedom we then have is, indeed, beyond what we thought possible.
I will leave you with this thought, piece of advice or whatever you would like to think of it as. Do with it as you will but please give it some thought:
Don't be too proud or fearful to seek help or guidance in troubling matters. We are not made to be islands nor are we made to bear our burdens alone. God's grace, in His timing, is a cool soothing rain during periods of drought in one's soul. He can move on His own but He likes to work through His servants. And who knows, maybe one day God will use you to demonstrate His grace to someone else! That is the true blessing!
Lord, Allow all of us to see Your grace in action and so move in our hearts that we would be willing and able to be used of You in others lives in return!
Thank You.
Good bye for now and may God's grace shine upon you in wonderful ways!