Friday, June 5, 2009

Total Sickness – June 5, 2009

Before I get to today’s missive I need to get something off my chest.

Today, as noted above, is June 5. Friday, June 5th to be precise which means the end of another school year. This is not just any school year though but a year with a couple of milestones.

1) Alyssa is now officially a high school senior (YES THAT IS CORRECT! A HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR!); 2) Logan is officially in high school! I can’t believe it! the time has gone so fast, but here it is and I’m not sure our kitchen table can hold any more college information packets! WOW! Sigh…What will the next couple years bring?

I have had a first this week. I was home sick for four out of the last six days. Some sort of virus I think. Kim had a similar something two weeks ago so I’m sure it was the same thing I had.

I went to work Monday and yesterday but it was not fun (Monday was not bad but yesterday was a mistake.)

Anyway, sinuses, sore throat, plugged ear ducts, coughing, hacking, wheezing, jumping, reading, writing…Opps! Sorry. Got a bit carried away as usual. I think you get the idea though.

The odd part is that I usually do not get sick for this long, but it happened! I guess that’s what we have sick days for, isn’t it?

The other odd thing is that I read a 285 page almost in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down! The really unusual part is that the book was by Stephen King. I can’t say I’m a fan of King’s mostly because I do not enjoy the genre he writes in but I had heard so many good things about his book “On Writing” I thought I would give it a try.

I was blown away! It was a fluent read and for some reason I could not put it down. Kim picked it up for me at the library at 4:00 PM on Wednesday and I had240 pages read by bedtime with a fine supper thrown in the mix. I just finished it.

King had some interesting things to say on the craft and his writing style is wonderful. I am considering reading one of his book just to taste it on the fiction side. But be aware! If you decide to read this book understand that King is real. He says what he means and means what he says and because of that there is a LOT of profanity and I do not mean mild profanity either! If it is a “four letter” word, it is in the book! Yes, this does bother me and most of the time when I run into too much of that kind of language I will stop reading the book but King had so many good things to say I trained my eye to “ounce” over those words when I came to them.

(When I say “real” I do not mean to say that because he uses profanity he is any “realer” then you or I but he does not pull any punches. He says what he says.)

I felt as though what he had to say really resonated with my heart. I don’t know why but it really did.

I am not recommending it just because of all the “four letter” words but the book did have an effect on me.

I have also have began to actually write my new story. Right now I have a goal of 1000 words a day and since this is my second day of doing this I have two thousand words written. They are not good words yet but I have started moving forward.

I had hoped that once I started writing I could throw discipline out the window because creativity would have stepped in and carried the day but that is not the case. Once I start writing I do enjoy it but I still must discipline myself to do it each and every day. Two down…X more to go! ;-)

Good bye for now!

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