Thursday, June 17, 2010

Less Rnat, More Encouragement – June 17, 2010

In an earlier post I ranted for a long time. Though I tried to leave on a godly note I felt I needed to make another post regarding real hope.

First, the basis of this hope:


Jesus died for sins and rose again the third day.


(This is the good news in ten words. That's all it takes. God does the rest.)


But did you know that that is not the end of the story?

For one thing the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now resides in those who believe! Why? To help us to learn more of God and how we should live and to aid us in the tasks that god has set for each one of us...all for His glory!


For another, God did not give us this gift and then let us maintain it, oh no! He knows that we are like dust and at the first opportunity we would turn tail and run the other direction. We are natural born sinners and even as Christians we tend to waiver toward wrong.

No, God loves us too much to let us protect His precious gift of salvation. It cost Him too much!


So not only does the Holy Spirit live in us to help us understand and be our strength, but He is God's deposit that guarantees the things He has promised! We are sealed by God Himself and cannot lose our salvation. It's as though God has taken the salvation He gave to us, put it in a heavenly Ball canning jar, sealed the lid, and put it in His secure vault until the time is right and we are face to face with our Creator and God! What a day that will be!


Yes, we can choose to sin and often times we do, but God gives more grace. This is not a license to sin, but an opportunity to live for God, by His enablement.


We are saved by His grace, empowered by His Spirit, and sealed by the same Spirit guaranteeing our inheritance. What an incredible God we serve!


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