Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Question of Thinking—Aug 14, 2007

I am doing a double post tonight. I have a lot on my mind.

One thing that I love to do is to make people think. I love to think and I love when others think.

I will admit I am not the greatest thinker but I do think a lot. It is not always clear what I am thinking, even to me the thinker, but I love to think. I hate the fact that I can't seem to focus very long on any one thought. This makes meditating on God's word hard for me along with fleshing out ideas for my stories. But I love it on those rare occasions that I am able to hold a thought or two for a quiet muse session.

One thing I learned a long time ago in an AWANA leader's training session that has stuck with me and really was a catalyst for my own thinking process was this: Ask kids open ended questions to get them to answer with more than a one or two word response and ask questions that may not have an answer; this will get them to think.

Such a question might be: "Did Mary's parents come and visit when Jesus was born?". Or "What would have been different if Adam and Eve had not eaten of the fruit of the forbidden tree? What if only Eve had eaten of it?

(There might be a good answer to those last two questions but they are pretty good for youngsters)

Any way I want to throw out a question tonight to y'all and see if I can get you to think.

Here goes:

How do you know if you are being discontent in your place of work or if the Lord is trying to lead you in a different path?

My scenario: I love the place I work and I love my boss and would have no problem working for any of the other bosses either. I am completely dissatisfied with the work I am doing however. It has affected my attitude though I am in constant communication with the Father to make sure I am letting Him deal with it and staying under His control.

I have tried and tried to move into a different area of the company, areas that I thought for sure I would fit and could benefit the organization and have repeatedly been shut out. Now I want you all to know that I am truly not bitter about this but I am extremely puzzled by it.

I could see God keeping me in the same company for His purpose but the same job? This has been my question(s).

I am now convinced that God has me in the position he has me in for a purpose, a real purpose. I don't know for sure what it is but I am actually excited to see what He will do with me. I still am not satisfied with the work but I am trying to look beyond the work to what God is trying to do through me where I am at right now.

What is God trying to do through YOU in your scenario? Ask Him to take control and help you to trust Him regardless whether He actually reveals what He is doing through you right where you are now.

It can change your outlook from one of misery and bitterness to one of excitement and wonder at the working of God's hand in your life!

Keep on fighting the good fight! God IS with you!



1 comment:

Greg said...

I think most of us lack an adequate theology of "work". If the Holy Spirit really does dwell within us - then everything we do, we do in the house of God. We eat our meals in the house of God; we rest in the house of God; watch tv in the house of God; work in the house of God. There is therefore to be no division between sacred and secular in the life of one filled with the Spirit. It is all sacred. Your work is sacred. What we do for our jobs is not the ultimate issue - the ultimate issue is "why do we do our jobs?" Do we work as unto the Lord - to the glory of God, empowered by the Spirit? If so, then I daresay one could glorify God just as much peeling potatoes as preaching sermons (and I imagine peeling potatoes everyday is not very fulfilling work in and of itself).
Obviously there is a time and place in all our lives when the issue of vocational fit needs to be dealt with, however. Most of us have to make that decision several times in our lifetime. But, ultimately, the performance of certain tasks is not what brings fulfillment. What brings fulfillment is seeing yourself in partnership with God in performing tasks - to His Glory and through His power. Until that issue is dealt with, there will always be vocational discontentment - no matter exciting or challenging a particular job may be.
I have had to wrestle with these issues in my own life - as you well know. Email me directly and we can talk more.