Thursday, April 15, 2010

Expounding On Two R’s – Apr. 15, 2010

Two words come to mind at this time, each one holds great power and influence but each one is moving in the opposite direction of the other. One, in an attempt to get to God, drives me away from God; the other draws me to God.

One word speaks and emptiness fills the abyss--the void that drains life and withers vitality. The other word speaks of hope, an assured certainty of life, true life, abundant life.

One word speaks in lofty, arrogant tones; the other is the language of humility and meekness.

The first promises serpentine bondage and burdens beyond strength; the later speaks of freedom and service from a grateful heart.

One word deals with work, effort, and self-esteem, the other speaks of trust, rest, and truth.

The one word I grow to despise daily because it is full of treachery and false hope.

The other word burns brighter as I take time to listen.

The first word wounds mercilessly, reminding moment by moment of guilt. The first word offers no freedom from this awful, heavy load that the heart must bear because the first word offers no hope, only desperation and oppressive futility.

The second word breaths healing to a bruised heart and a lowly, weary soul. The heart heavy with burdens is freed when this word is taken and nurtured. Unlike the first word, this word brings a soul rest and forgiveness, a cleansing of the heart.

The wake of the first word leaves the stench of death while the drawing of the second word, the sweet aroma of love and security.

It's time for the reveal. Don't be surprised if the first word conjures images of beauty and happiness, it's only a delusion, a white washed tomb, as Jesus so aptly described it. The external trappings are beautiful but within you will find corruption and death...The path of this first word leads right to the gates of Hell. The word: Religion. Does this surprise you? Not me, because within the sacred teachings of God's word there is no room for religion. You may be wondering if I've lost my mind but I haven't, I merely point to the truth of scripture.

The answer is quite simple if you have a grasp of who God is and how He operates. God wants us to trust Him. Nowhere in the Bible will you see man pleasing God except in acts of faith, where people step out for God by trusting that He will enable them to perform the task, not relying on their own prowess to accomplish their God-given task.

Religion is man's attempt to get to God. These attempts are in the form of, but not limited to, self-proclaimed penances, good deeds, or giving. None of these things are bad and in fact, are commendable in God's eyes as long as they are not used as the medium in which a person tries to win merit with God, for that is not possible.

The other word, the second word, is: Relationship. It can be confusing because they both begin with the letter 'r' but they are two different words, through and through.

Where religion is man's attempt to attain God's favor, relationship is God's attempt to win His beloved creation. God's desire is to live in relationship with us. Throughout history His word shows us the various ways He uses to draw us closer to Him. In these later days He goes so far as to take up residence within us. God actually residing in our hearts! What a grand privilege! You can't get any closer than that when you are developing a relationship.

Relationships are usually a give and take matter. If you really work from the abundance of love, then each person is giving all they have to that relationship. When you are so busy giving it makes it difficult to find time to take; each person exerting the greatest effort to fulfill the needs of the other.

God does not need anything from us, His reason for beginning the relationship with us is that He desires to be in relationship with us because He loves us.

Relationship also takes effort. Since in our state of sin we had no interest in a relationship with God He took the initiative and came to us. Not only did He give up His rights and His throne, He gave up His life to free us from that bondage that sin held us to.

Spending time together, getting to know one another. The wonderful thing about us is that even if we lead a simple life we are so complex that it takes a lifetime to get to know one another and even then we can't learn all there is to know. God is even more so. When we've studied Him for an eternity there still will be more to know. And more after that, and more after that!

Religion is man's futile attempt to win favor with God. Its question is: "What can I do for God? Relationship, on the other hand, asks: "How could God ever accept me for all the wrong I've done?" God answers both of these questions. To the first He says, "'All your righteous deeds are as filthy rags...'" And, "Depart from Me you evil doers, for I never knew you." To the second question His answer is: "I loved the world so much I gave My one and only Son. When you place your trust in Him I will rescue you from your sins and come and live with you." And he also said, "It is finished."

Religion is wasted effort, relationship is heaven sent. Relationship is a gift to us purchased at great cost to God our Father. In essence, religion is man telling God that the overwhelming price He paid was not adequate and we are going to help Him to save the souls of man. Relationship, on the other hand, tells us that what God did was enough and now the deeds we do are in thanksgiving for what He did for us.

Where do you stand? Whose court are you in? Are you attempting to win God's favor or are you resting in the knowledge that God's work is more than enough to win favor for us? There is no middle ground. If you are not trusting God alone then you are "religious", futilely attempting to win merit with God. Jesus is the only one who can and has won merit with God. Place your trust in Him and your ever-life is guaranteed.

Thinking time...




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