I'd like to open by saying that I don't put a lot of stock in my dreams.
I mean that the dreams I have at night don't lead me to some cosmic logic or mystic knowledge or __________ (fill in the blank).
I believe God, at one time did use dreams and maybe once in a while He'll send us a bit of peace through a dream, but overall I am not convinced dreams are all that valuable.
Having said all of that I love my dreams! For the most part they are exciting and just real enough to prevent me from getting a good night's sleep. (Well, maybe that last one is not so much a benefit but the dreams are cool!)
There have been so many times I wish I could have written my dreams down as they are happening or, even better, had a video recording of those wild and wacky dreams.
I consider my dreams a blessing. In fact, I have learned to ask God nightly to protect my dreams so that sin will not run rampant in them as they can in my waking life. For the most part He answers those prayers. My dreams are usually pretty pure and just plain fun!
There are dreams that I have that are special in such a way as to be remembered for many years. One particular dream does not have any special feature that makes it extra ordinary but there are dreams that just stick out in my mind. Last night was one of those nights I considered a great blessing.
I dreamed that Grady was alive, still five years old and I had time to spend with him.
He was running around doing things and generally just being happy.
Kim was there and for some reason she was pretty neutral about him being around. (It was a dream after all!) Grady also was fairly neutral about being around. He seemed to enjoy our time together but he also was distracted by the activities he was involved with.
It's really hard to describe but I woke up after this dream feeling so happy to have seen Grady. I was not sad but glad.
Again I don't think this meant anything other than a time God gave me to be with Grady…a peace from God.
It was so fun to see him running around just like I remember!
Yes, a blessing from God.
I feel sad sometimes when I think about seeing Grady in heaven because one person I know believes when we are in heaven we will be perfect (I agree) and that means all of us will be in an adult form. I am not sad because of seeing Grady but because I still want to see him in the form I remember: him at five years old.
I held on to this belief about him being in adult form until lately as I've been reading the book of 1 Thessalonians.
In there, Paul tries to encourage the people of Thessalonica by telling them that the dead in Christ will be raised from the grave and beat us to heaven. As I look at that the conclusion that I come to is that the bodies that are in the grave are the ones the dead will rise in, although perfected.
I fully realize that I could be wrong on this and I don't mention it to stir up debate, it really is not important in the long haul, but what it does is just give me a tiny bit of comfort in this one ache in my heart.
If I get to heaven and Grady is a six foot three bronzed statue of a man I will rejoice greatly, but there is a part of me that hopes that I will still see the little four foot, five year old waiting to give me a big hug!
Keep fighting the good fight!
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