Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Big Step for A Little Writer --July 15, 2008

Well, I did it! Another big step for this little writer.

I submitted an article to a publisher, Tranquil Living.

The article was an instructional piece on how to journal. If my article is chosen, I will a whole lot closer to my retirement goal. In fact, I will be $24.00 closer. That's right! You read it correctly! $24.00! I look at it this way: If I were $24.00 away from making my first million, if chosen, I would, sniff, have obtained my goal of making my first million dollars.

the biggest problem with this line of thinking is that I have never had a goal to make my first million so it really doesn't matter but if it did matter I would be that much closer!

My real goal is to get better at writing so that submitting articles for publication and being accepted by the publisher will become a regular source of income. that would be cool and is a goal I am shooting for, even if it's just part time.

Since I submitted it to a publisher I am not sure if it's available at the usual Helium.com or not but go a head and check it out and let me know what you think. I need good constructive criticism if I'm to grow so feel free to "criticize"!

Bye for now.

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