Monday, July 7, 2008

Not Much for Updates

It has been a surreal time in my life with everything that has happened around here and that is my excuse for lack of writing. In my opinion there is never a good excuse for not writing. I find that I regret the times that I don't write.

I have started an article about the craft of writing that I still need to get published on but it is not ready yet.

I felt...awkward writing about writing having never been published but the more I thought about it the more I was convinced that even though I have not been published ( yet! :-) ) I still have enough experience to add my two cents' worth so I wrote and am now rewriting and hopefully will post it soon.  You will note a powerful weapon to beat back the monsters that attack a writer during the creative process but you will need to read the article to get the answer! (Pretty good marketing, huh?!)

I have another idea for a story that I am toying with and it has been fun but I have not have not put much time into it yet. Lots of ideas and so much procrastination!

This is it for now, see you later!


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