Friday, August 1, 2008

Evermore Update -- August 1, 2008

Wow! I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around a few realities lately.

1) My little girl will turn sixteen in two weeks and, along with that distinction, will join the ranks of licensed drivers! Now there are a few benefits with having another driver in the family and they are: a) My wife and I don't have to drive her all over the globe to get her to all the activities she is or will be involved in; b) We have another driver to run to the store for us when my wife forgets items on her grocery list that she absolutely needs for the new recipe she's experimenting with (Maybe this is NOT a bonus feature! :-)); d) She will be able to take her brother to his events as well! All in all there will be more freedom for one and all in the Larson household very soon.

2) I can't believe it's already August. This year has gone by so fast! Where does the time go and why do I perceive time going faster the older I get? I know I'm not the only one because others in my age bracket, and older, tell me the same thing. Does this phenomena mean that as we get older we have less time to get things done???

3) Logan will want to turn away at this point because I will be using the "s" word. School is about to begin again! This does not directly affect me but it certainly seems the summer break just started and now we're gathering supplies for the upcoming school year.

4) Logan will be in 8th grade ( a senior in Junior high) and Alyssa will be...a JUNIOR in high school! WOW! This relates to No. 2 above.

Now to Evermore. The last couple of days I have been revamping the story idea I had been working on a month or so back, you know BF (Before Flood) but I had set it aside in light of other new story ideas that came to my attention.

During our little vacation this year I purchased a book called "The First Draft in 30 Days". It's a guide to getting the first draft of your novel out in a thirty day period. I am not naive enough to believe you can do a novel in thirty days, and indeed the author soothes my anxiety by telling me that I am not a failure if it takes 60 or 90 days. (I guess if it takes 91+ days I am a failure?? :-)) But what this book has helped me to do is to get better organized and move me to keep working on one project at a time. When new ideas pop up, write down the idea(s) and then get back to your original work.

For the most part Evermore has not changed a great deal but the changes that I have started incorporating require some rewriting of what I already had written.  Since I only had about eighteen pages done I am just considering starting over with the new changes in place. There are a number of paths I was taking with the characters that I am now reevaluating with these new ideas.

That's all there is right now. See you all later and have a Godly weekend.


Jenna said...

OK, a couple things. I can't believe Alyssa is 16 (I remember when she was born!) and I also can't believe anyone could write the first draft of a novel in 30 days AND work full time. I'm having enough trouble keeping on top of life, work and writing my little story, which will be nowhere near as long as a novel...

All in all I wouldn't say 91 days is bad at all. Keep pluggin'.

Greg said...

I completely agree. Alyssa was just born! Wow! And I'm not even sure if I could get all my ideas together in 30 days!
Have a good weekend!