After I submitted my post last night I spent some time in deep thought. One thing I have learned about myself is that when something burns my heart like this web site did I jump in to make some sort of comments. Often these comments are "spoken" in the heat of the moment, so after I pressed "SUBMIT" I spent a long time thinking about what I wrote.
One thing I have learned from my wonderful pastor, is to be objective and fair. When I jump in with both feet I loose that objectivity and can become somewhat legalistic myself. So to take time and meditate on God's word, seeking wisdom and understanding from God, is a good thing!
This weighed on my heart so I went back out to the web site and did some more reading. One thing I believe is that these people are Christians, born-again believers bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. Beyond that, I lose connection with their thinking. They did have some good points, I cannot deny that at all. But the overall tone is pride and arrogance which I cannot tolerate.
At this point, I closed down my laptop and tried to sleep but he Holy Spirit kept the wheels spinning and I found I had to get out of bed. I grabbed a No. 2 pencil and a pad of paper and started to ask questions. When God says "seek and you will find..." I believe I found some things. I am not going to share them now because I want them to be more coherent than they are now but I will say I felt great peace at spending some in-depth time with the Father. It was not a new "revelation" or audible voice but felt the hand of God guiding me.
Here is the bottom line: And just before I went back to bed about 0100, one more thought entered my mind, "This is just like your encounter with the Mormons the other night. What you have read tonight challenged what you thought you believed and forced you into God's word for guidance. What a great blessing!" Right, wrong, or indifferent, going to God for answers is always the right way. You may not like what you find, and to be sure I do not have all the answers packed away as nicely as I wish I did, but I truly believe that there are some points within God's word that one simply has to take on faith. They can't be puzzled out. There is no earthly answer. There is simply the belief that God does know what He is doing, He does love us and all will be revealed in time.
I know that I do not have the market cornered on truth nor is everything I believe today so solid I can't be taught a different lesson later, but God does not change and His love toward us endures forever.
I am excited to learn more and to post what I learn. Please pray for me that God would give me good wisdom to know His truth.
Thank you.