Friday, February 20, 2009

The Mormons All Over Again! -- Feb. 20, 2009

After I submitted my post last night I spent some time in deep thought. One thing I have learned about myself is that when something burns my heart like this web site did I jump in to make some sort of comments. Often these comments are "spoken" in the heat of the moment, so after I pressed "SUBMIT" I spent a long time thinking about what I wrote.

One thing I have learned from my wonderful pastor, is to be objective and fair. When I jump in with both feet I loose that objectivity and can become somewhat legalistic myself. So to take time and meditate on God's word, seeking wisdom and understanding from God, is a good thing!

This weighed on my heart so I went back out to the web site and did some more reading. One thing I believe is that these people are Christians, born-again believers bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. Beyond that, I lose connection with their thinking. They did have some good points, I cannot deny that at all. But the overall tone is pride and arrogance which I cannot tolerate.

At this point, I closed down my laptop and tried to sleep but he Holy Spirit kept the wheels spinning and I found I had to get out of bed. I grabbed a No. 2 pencil and a pad of paper and started to ask questions. When God says "seek and you will find..." I believe I found some things. I am not going to share them now because I want them to be more coherent than they are now but I will say I felt great peace at spending some in-depth time with the Father. It was not a new "revelation" or audible voice but felt the hand of God guiding me.

Here is the bottom line: And just before I went back to bed about 0100, one more thought entered my mind, "This is just like your encounter with the Mormons the other night. What you have read tonight challenged what you thought you believed and forced you into God's word for guidance. What a great blessing!" Right, wrong, or indifferent, going to God for answers is always the right way. You may not like what you find, and to be sure I do not have all the answers packed away as nicely as I wish I did, but I truly believe that there are some points within God's word that one simply has to take on faith. They can't be puzzled out. There is no earthly answer. There is simply the belief that God does know what He is doing, He does love us and all will be revealed in time.

I know that I do not have the market cornered on truth nor is everything I believe today so solid I can't be taught a different lesson later, but God does not change and His love toward us endures forever.

I am excited to learn more and to post what I learn. Please pray for me that God would give me good wisdom to know His truth.

Thank you.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rebirth- The Return of The Pharisees -- Feb. 19, 2009

The Pharisees were so busy trying to "do" God's law that they missed the most important part: People. They were so caught up in in themselves that pride became the alter at which they worshipped. Jesus stated that these people honor God with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. They were legalistic and considered anyone not of their class to be beneath them. There is no room for love in their puffed up hearts. The pride they felt as they "served" God was all-consuming. This is the story of some modern day Pharisees. It is a tale of sorrow and woe.

In modern times it seems there has been a rebirth of the "Pharisees". Their only purpose on this earth is to dig under every rock so as to discover anything that might resemble sin. One misspoken word, one foot out of step and they are there to set you straight, to warn you against that teacher or organization. How does the saying go..."Brushing aside the dollars to find the dimes". Perfection is theirs!

One thing that gives me great comfort is the fact that the authors of this web site have removed the log from their eye so as to be able to get the speck out everyone else's eye; you know, so we can see clearly. "God, I thank Thee that I am not like other that tax collector over there..."

You will see, if you are bold enough to venture to this web site, that there are few ministries that have not felt the wrath of these modern day Pharisees.

To be fair, they do have a lot of known cults and misguided people on their lists, and we do need to be aware of them, but the pride they have in their "ministry" is blinding them to the fact that God's word has a second side to it: love. God is love, He is just, to be sure but He is also love. They highlight "justice" and conveniently leave out love.

Probably the most disturbing part of the web site is their stance on salvation: You must believe and repent. Jesus is not good enough, what He did on the cross is not sufficient, you must act as well. This is a lie and fits in perfectly with the rest of their "work". The sour, scowling faces I see in my mind (oops! I said, "mind", that is complete whacked out heresy in their...minds???) epitomize what so many think about Christianity that it is no wonder people don't want to listen to us! Their message is only a heavy, legalistic yoke to burden the masses, the very ones Jesus came to free. The very sin of the Pharisees. The truth belongs to them.

My heart does not feel much better but I wanted to get this out on "paper". By the way, in their estimation (notice I did not use the word "minds" here..OOPS! I said it again!), journaling, writing in a journal, is a sin too. Don't ask, I have no clue! I am really freaked out about this web site!

I try not to rant too often but this web site has my hackles up.

I don't know why I'm posting this here but check it out if you want to:

We are created in God's image, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We have been To learn, to study, to grow. It is not a sin to learn. Man has taken learning and twisted it to try and squeeze God out of it but learning in and of itself is not wrong, even if we are trying to learn about the mind. We are not robots. We, like God, have the capacity to think, to learn, to love, to choose, to imagine (another wicked sin, apparently) but I think we honor God when we use these things. He certainly was imaginative when He created this wonderful world! Can we go too far? Yes! But to exercise our minds and imaginations is not wrong. What I can't imagine is the world in which these authors must live. A one room shack with a non-scented candle as the only source of light, digging in God's word for one more way to condemn another ministry! Do I sound angry? I am angry! This causes more damage to the cause of Christ than any act of sin ever could! What would happen if these men channeled their energy to reaching out in love to the lost and let God deal with the rest?

Jesus was angry with the Pharisees because of their hardness of hearts. they clung to their traditions and their perceived righteousness more than they did to God's truth. They rejected Jesus and they put Jesus to death. What I see is that the "religious zealots" caused more grief to God and did more to hinder what God was trying to accomplish than all the sinners and tax collectors combined! Jesus was hard on those who did not love but tender with the lowly. Did He condone sin? Absolutely not, but it was not with the sinners that He contended, but it was their so called teachers. 

If you go to this web site you will not find love, for there is none there, it is not welcome. What you will find is a dry and barren wasteland, you will find the heart of the Pharisees.

I am far from perfect, Any of you who know me know this for a fact, but my heart burned within as I read the garbage found on this web site!

As always, I welcome your comments, questions and feed back.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Looking at The World -- Feb. 18, 2009

I just finished looking at the headlines and I am simply amazed! How did this country, this world, get so messed up? How can these huge corporations be in such trouble? The car makers got a huge shot in the arm and now they claim they need more?? Huge, old banks all going over the edge. Investors have stolen millions if not billions of dollars from their clients to the hurt of so many people. What is going on?!?!

I think our time is getting short on this earth. No, I am not making a prediction and God's word is quite plain that no man knows the day, but as I look around it appears that we might actually be getting into the birth pangs of the end times.

Our world has shrunk. I remember geography class in third grade where the countries we studied seemed so remote and exotic to me. I was fascinated. Now Iraq, Iran, Russia, England, Japan, all seem as though they are in our backyards. This also means that as the world shrinks we become increasingly one-worldly. For example, the current financial situation could easily culminate in the development of a one-world currency which could then give rise to a one-world government, and, perhaps, a one-world religion. Is this a stretch? As quickly as power changes hands and all of the monetary systems tied together as closely as they are today (our markets influence other markets around the world) it is not so farfetched. Our sin is bringing the world to its knees. I really believe this, but it is all within God's control. That is where our comfort comes into play.

Regardless of who we are or our position in this life sin will catch up to us and in one way or another we suffer for those sins. Don't get me wrong on this point, God is incredibly merciful as proven in Jesus dying for our sins but in one way or another we suffer for our sins and this can't be swept under the rug. Let me give you an example. If a teenaged girl becomes pregnant and if she seeks forgiveness, God will grant it and even parents too, but the girl is still pregnant and has to, if she does the right thing now, go through the blessings and trials of being a mother. God does not take that away. She is suffering for her sin. This can and does happen with any sin. I believe this is what is happening to our world now, but I really think this could be what actually pushes us in the direction of a one-world system.

To knit all of this together, I have to say I am not a prophet nor do I claim to be, but with what God says in His word and what I am seeing in this world now it could be the method God chooses to use get the one-world system His word talks about it.

As always, I welcome comments and questions. I am not smart in these areas but it is what I see from my perspective.

As we go through these times, turn your anxieties and worries to God, He will not fail us.


Monday, February 16, 2009

The Mind: More of God's Image -- Feb. 16, 2009

As I look back on my life there are a number of things that I picked up from my parents. These things do not always come readily to mind but when I sit and think through my life, I mean really wonder the corridors of my past, I find just how many times my parents impacted me.

For instance, I give a great deal of credit to my mother for my spiritual growth. There was a time when I was, oh, around seven years old. My mother was cooking supper and I was in the kitchen with her. I do not recall the reason, perhaps she just sensed an opportunity to share some teaching about God, but whatever the reason, she told me about the Holy Spirit and that when we quieted our hearts we could hear what He had to say to us. I then, being wise beyond my years, said one profound thing, "SHHH!" That did not go over well at all! The second lesson that day was not to make fun of the things of God. Whatever God had in mind that day, I must have learned something because it is still with me to this day.

One other thing that I learned was something my dad taught me though I bet he never knew it, and that was a desire for counseling others. My dad was the family councilor for his side of the family. No, he was not a professional nor did he receive payment for his services but I can not even begin to guess how many times he was on the phone with a cousin or one of his siblings doling out advice. Everyone knew to call "Uncle Bob" whenever there was a problem. I'm still amazed to this day. He seemed to have some sort of ability to empathize with people because they always came back for more.

I find this fascinating and God has opened in my heart a desire to know people better, to better love them. I am a slow learner but I am learning.

I love to watch people and I always wonder what their thinking. What are they going through? What is hidden behind the outer facade? I know in my life there is a whole complex me on the backside of the exterior. This is not to say that I am a completely different person on the inside but there are most certainly things I do not willingly share with the world around me which forces me, at times, to put up a front. This is most helpful to understand this about myself because most people live their lives in a similar fashion so I can be sympathetic toward their feelings even if I don't have any specifics of what they are in the middle of at the time. Human nature fascinates me!

God's word is the ultimate authority on the human condition. The more I understand Him the more love I have for others. Though God's word does not endow us with the ability to read minds or communicate telepathically it does give us enough insight into the human heart that we do gain a measure of discernment because deep down we have the same nature. This does not happen because we want it to but because we take the time to get into God's word, study what it says and by faith apply it to our lives.

I am learning. I am not "there"; I have not "arrived" but I see a desire to work with people and help them to see the truth that can set them free. No, I am not an active evangelist but more and more I see that only in the truth of God can we find true peace and freedom that we desire.

I am reading a wonderful book at the moment called, "When People are Big and God is Small", by Edward T. Welch.

In a nut shell, Mr. Welch is saying that we have trouble with self-esteem, peer pressure, codependency, etc. because we try to fill the emptiness we feel inside with other's opinions, approval, and overall thoughts of us. We are so obsessed with gaining others' approval that we make them our gods and what they think of us becomes our driving force and we become enslaved to others. People become  big in our lives and we forget that they are created beings and not the Creator. We fall into worshipping the idol of others. We need to step back and realize that what really counts, what really matters is what god thinks of us. Not that we can win His favor by what we do but when we turn our lives to Him in trust, faith He is pleased knowing that He is our refuge and strength. Is this simple? Not on your life! It takes daily discipline and trust. This is beyond what I fully comprehend or at least what I am able to communicate properly, but our esteem needs to come from God. He loved us so much that He was willing to die for us so that we would not have to pay the price for our foolishness. He has proven just how much we are worth by paying the price we could never pay even though we were enemies in His sight. What more do we need to know to understand how precious we really are?

Maybe you are not the best looking, or the smartest or most talented but if you are trusting God, if you have had your eyes opened to the fact that you are very special in God's sight, this is freedom. This is true esteem. This is peace in the face of worldly hardships.

No, I am not a real councilor but if God can use me in some way to encourage someone else, I am willing. The ultimate hope is that these people should see Jesus and not me. This, however, is a different subject for a later post.

This is a lot to chew on but learning is happening, if not for you certainly for me. Please feel free to add to my learning by contacting me with questions or comments. I have a lot of learning to do but I am ready for the challenge! For God's glory!


Friday, February 13, 2009

On The Mission Field -- Feb. 13, 2009

Last year my friend and co-worker, David, and I started walking on a fairly regular basis in the evenings and on Tuesday night I had the privilege to do so once again. The day had been pleasant and the night was most comfortable for a sweatshirt and ball cap.

We partook of our usual banter about management and leadership, when we inadvertently stumbled onto the Mormon mission field. What a surprise to be walking in the dark night with two sharp dressed young men approaching and as we moved aside to let them pass it happened...

This has never happened to me before but they stopped us and started their pitch. Though they were, as always, well prepared with defenses and arguments, I could not help but feel that they were desperately trying to "sell" me something, as though their very lively hood depended on "making the sale".

There was a taller blond young man who did the majority of the talking with his slightly shorter sidekick interjecting a phrase or two here and there in support of his fellow missionary. They were well versed in their technique. Well prepared. In fact, I have never run into a Mormon who was not prepared, though I dare say I have never run into one who was quite so persistent.

In any event, they injected a lot about prophecy and the Holy Spirit and how He would guide me to the "truth" if I sat down and spent time in God's word (which I agree with 100%) and talked a lot about how the Bible came into being but not a word was spoken the whole time about Jesus, or at least nothing that comes to mind.

I am improving as I grow in my walk with the Lord and He guides me the way I should be going, but I have never enjoyed getting into debates with people. Indeed, I do not even like to watch others debate. I hate to see the perceived divisions; I want everyone to get along and not argue. It's my personality. So when I am thrust into a situation of debate the first thing that usually happens is that my mind shuts down, no coherent thought will pass. I really hate this because later, as I reflect on what happened I see all sorts of wonderful arguments I could have brought out. Not to "win" or embarrass the other but to show God's love. It is a real bother to me and that night was no exception. They "won" because they were prepared and I was not. It was not a matter of who got zinged or who trumped the other but it is all a matter of preparation, a matter of the heart, the deepest most inner part, who you really are, and I was not ready.

This bothered me because this is not the first time that I have not "been ready". This is to my shame; however, in God's always-present, overflowing grace, He helped me to see this...again and He has shown me some real positives. I have been spending a great deal of time praying and meditating in my heart over God's word and through His Spirit He is opening up passages to me that bring me peace and comfort as to who He is and, ironically, the Mormons were right, the Holy Spirit has been revealing truth to me. And the truth is that it really does not matter how the Bible came into being, or how God has revealed Himself throughout the ages but that we realize that He sent Jesus into this world to pay the price for our sins that we could never pay. That He opened the doorway for us to be with Him forever in Heaven. Not because of anything we have done or not done but simply on the basis that He loved us so much that He was willing to die in our place and all that He requires of us it to trust in Him. Simple trust, simple faith.

They made no in-roads in my heart or mind thanks to God's good grace but I am grateful to them in the fact that God used them to show me the truth that I am not where I should be and without a regular time in God's word we are none of us prepared for what satan throws at us. "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.". I have learned, once again thanks to God's great patience with me, that I am not as prepared as I should be and that frightens me. Without God I am vulnerable and weak, easily deceived.

How about you? Where are you at today? What if the Mormons stop at your house today? We are not here to defend God, He does not need to be defended but we are called into relationship with Him and the only way to develop that relationship is to spend regular, quality time with Him each day. Oh, look! There's a spot on my mirror...

Lord, Your patience with me is beyond my comprehension but I am so grateful You do not give up on me. You have, once again, taught me I need You now and forever more. I pray You will continue to work in my heart and the hearts of all those who desire to know You better. As we seek You with our whole hearts please guide us into Your truth that we might be united as one in Your Spirit. I pray that as You present to us opportunities to talk with the Mormons or anybody else that You would help us to see those people as You see them and help us to love them them as You love them. Help us to understand that we are not spending time learning about You to "win" a debate but to present Your truth. And help us to remember that it is not our job to convince one of who You are but to simply speak to them the truth of Jesus and what He has done for us and that You will make the changes as You see fit. Thank You. Amen.

Have a God-filled day and keep your eyes and heart opened to God's leading.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Appropriate Title -- Feb. 11, 2009

This blog certainly has been living up to its title as of late and it is just due to lethargy. I have find that the stress I talked about in my last post settled into lethargy as silt settles in a river. My mind was not active. Since it has been awhile, I decided to post at least something today.

I'm doing a study in the Life of David with the goal of discovering what it really means to be "a man after god's heart...", it is not an easy question to answer but I am starting to get a little picture of what it might be about.

I went for a walk last night with a friend of mine and got stopped by a couple of Mormon missionaries. Though I do not shy away from talking to those folks I usually don't think of the things I should say until much later. I'm nit talking zingers here, I mean solid Biblical truth. My mind just seems to shut down in these situations. On the positive side, it makes me realize what areas of  doctrine I need to work on. Interesting conversation. Though friendly, they seemed to be quite desperate to help me see the "truth" and that I should take one of their booklets. I really felt as though they were car salesmen.

Well, I have got to go.

See ya.

