Friday, February 13, 2009

On The Mission Field -- Feb. 13, 2009

Last year my friend and co-worker, David, and I started walking on a fairly regular basis in the evenings and on Tuesday night I had the privilege to do so once again. The day had been pleasant and the night was most comfortable for a sweatshirt and ball cap.

We partook of our usual banter about management and leadership, when we inadvertently stumbled onto the Mormon mission field. What a surprise to be walking in the dark night with two sharp dressed young men approaching and as we moved aside to let them pass it happened...

This has never happened to me before but they stopped us and started their pitch. Though they were, as always, well prepared with defenses and arguments, I could not help but feel that they were desperately trying to "sell" me something, as though their very lively hood depended on "making the sale".

There was a taller blond young man who did the majority of the talking with his slightly shorter sidekick interjecting a phrase or two here and there in support of his fellow missionary. They were well versed in their technique. Well prepared. In fact, I have never run into a Mormon who was not prepared, though I dare say I have never run into one who was quite so persistent.

In any event, they injected a lot about prophecy and the Holy Spirit and how He would guide me to the "truth" if I sat down and spent time in God's word (which I agree with 100%) and talked a lot about how the Bible came into being but not a word was spoken the whole time about Jesus, or at least nothing that comes to mind.

I am improving as I grow in my walk with the Lord and He guides me the way I should be going, but I have never enjoyed getting into debates with people. Indeed, I do not even like to watch others debate. I hate to see the perceived divisions; I want everyone to get along and not argue. It's my personality. So when I am thrust into a situation of debate the first thing that usually happens is that my mind shuts down, no coherent thought will pass. I really hate this because later, as I reflect on what happened I see all sorts of wonderful arguments I could have brought out. Not to "win" or embarrass the other but to show God's love. It is a real bother to me and that night was no exception. They "won" because they were prepared and I was not. It was not a matter of who got zinged or who trumped the other but it is all a matter of preparation, a matter of the heart, the deepest most inner part, who you really are, and I was not ready.

This bothered me because this is not the first time that I have not "been ready". This is to my shame; however, in God's always-present, overflowing grace, He helped me to see this...again and He has shown me some real positives. I have been spending a great deal of time praying and meditating in my heart over God's word and through His Spirit He is opening up passages to me that bring me peace and comfort as to who He is and, ironically, the Mormons were right, the Holy Spirit has been revealing truth to me. And the truth is that it really does not matter how the Bible came into being, or how God has revealed Himself throughout the ages but that we realize that He sent Jesus into this world to pay the price for our sins that we could never pay. That He opened the doorway for us to be with Him forever in Heaven. Not because of anything we have done or not done but simply on the basis that He loved us so much that He was willing to die in our place and all that He requires of us it to trust in Him. Simple trust, simple faith.

They made no in-roads in my heart or mind thanks to God's good grace but I am grateful to them in the fact that God used them to show me the truth that I am not where I should be and without a regular time in God's word we are none of us prepared for what satan throws at us. "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.". I have learned, once again thanks to God's great patience with me, that I am not as prepared as I should be and that frightens me. Without God I am vulnerable and weak, easily deceived.

How about you? Where are you at today? What if the Mormons stop at your house today? We are not here to defend God, He does not need to be defended but we are called into relationship with Him and the only way to develop that relationship is to spend regular, quality time with Him each day. Oh, look! There's a spot on my mirror...

Lord, Your patience with me is beyond my comprehension but I am so grateful You do not give up on me. You have, once again, taught me I need You now and forever more. I pray You will continue to work in my heart and the hearts of all those who desire to know You better. As we seek You with our whole hearts please guide us into Your truth that we might be united as one in Your Spirit. I pray that as You present to us opportunities to talk with the Mormons or anybody else that You would help us to see those people as You see them and help us to love them them as You love them. Help us to understand that we are not spending time learning about You to "win" a debate but to present Your truth. And help us to remember that it is not our job to convince one of who You are but to simply speak to them the truth of Jesus and what He has done for us and that You will make the changes as You see fit. Thank You. Amen.

Have a God-filled day and keep your eyes and heart opened to God's leading.


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