Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Looking at The World -- Feb. 18, 2009

I just finished looking at the headlines and I am simply amazed! How did this country, this world, get so messed up? How can these huge corporations be in such trouble? The car makers got a huge shot in the arm and now they claim they need more?? Huge, old banks all going over the edge. Investors have stolen millions if not billions of dollars from their clients to the hurt of so many people. What is going on?!?!

I think our time is getting short on this earth. No, I am not making a prediction and God's word is quite plain that no man knows the day, but as I look around it appears that we might actually be getting into the birth pangs of the end times.

Our world has shrunk. I remember geography class in third grade where the countries we studied seemed so remote and exotic to me. I was fascinated. Now Iraq, Iran, Russia, England, Japan, all seem as though they are in our backyards. This also means that as the world shrinks we become increasingly one-worldly. For example, the current financial situation could easily culminate in the development of a one-world currency which could then give rise to a one-world government, and, perhaps, a one-world religion. Is this a stretch? As quickly as power changes hands and all of the monetary systems tied together as closely as they are today (our markets influence other markets around the world) it is not so farfetched. Our sin is bringing the world to its knees. I really believe this, but it is all within God's control. That is where our comfort comes into play.

Regardless of who we are or our position in this life sin will catch up to us and in one way or another we suffer for those sins. Don't get me wrong on this point, God is incredibly merciful as proven in Jesus dying for our sins but in one way or another we suffer for our sins and this can't be swept under the rug. Let me give you an example. If a teenaged girl becomes pregnant and if she seeks forgiveness, God will grant it and even parents too, but the girl is still pregnant and has to, if she does the right thing now, go through the blessings and trials of being a mother. God does not take that away. She is suffering for her sin. This can and does happen with any sin. I believe this is what is happening to our world now, but I really think this could be what actually pushes us in the direction of a one-world system.

To knit all of this together, I have to say I am not a prophet nor do I claim to be, but with what God says in His word and what I am seeing in this world now it could be the method God chooses to use get the one-world system His word talks about it.

As always, I welcome comments and questions. I am not smart in these areas but it is what I see from my perspective.

As we go through these times, turn your anxieties and worries to God, He will not fail us.


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