Thursday, April 19, 2007

Dinner With Jesus – April 19, 2007

What if you had a chance to sit down to a meal at a nice restaurant with Jesus Christ? You could ask him anything you wanted and look him straight in the eyes as you chatted with Him.

This is the scenario in the movie "The Perfect Stranger". To alleviate any confusion this is NOT the recently released R rated movie "Perfect Stranger".

The story is about a troubled suburban wife whose husband is the CEO of a major cooperation and she is a lawyer in a powerful law firm.

Their relationship has not had the attention it should have and the strain is telling. To top it all off, the neighbors have been pestering her to come to some of their church events. This night her husband has made plans to attend a ball game which leaves her alone for Friday night. This does not make her at all happy!

At work that morning she receives a mysterious invitation to meet with Jesus Christ for supper. She assumes that this is her husband teasing her and gets excited that he has changed his mind.

At the restaurant that night, she discovers a stranger at the table where she expected to meet her husband and is taken aback.

She decides to leave but Jesus talks her into staying for dinner.

Once she relaxes she is able to question Jesus on many different subjects and He is actually quite clever with His answers.

How does the evening end? You will need to see the movie because I won't spoil it for you! J

However, what really touched me was the fact that the whole scene was so personal and I thought about the fact that Jesus wants to have this kind of intimate relationship with all of us! I could not help but to shed tears. Yes, the man was an actor but it was the concept that really touched me. God has gone to great lengths to establish a personal relationship with all of us here on earth and there is nothing He would not do to bring each one of us into His kingdom, except force us. His love compels but He will not force us, we need to make that decision ourselves. He will help us change if we decide to turn to Him but He will never force us.

The most notable passages of scripture to me are the ones where there are intimate moments with God. This could be thinking about a walk in the garden with Him before the fall or Nicodemus around the fire with Jesus that night of John 3:16.

My most intimate moments with God come when I am alone and walking.

I don't know why I feel closest to Him during those moments but I have had some of the sweetest fellowship with Him on these walks. It is not always euphoric but these moments are the greatest and I am humbled and excited about the times with which He blesses me!

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