Friday, April 6, 2007

An Oxymoron? – April 6, 2007

Today is Good Friday. When I think about this sometimes it feels like an oxymoron. We call it 'good' but Jesus, the Perfect one died this day, the innocent for the guilty. How can that be good? We look on in disdain if that sort of thing happens in our world today but back then they could not even get two people to agree on what He had done to deserve death. It all came about because of the jealousy of the religious leaders of the day.

This was all part of God's master plan, however. Without Jesus going to the cross we would still be lost in our sins and our deaths would, indeed, be the end, ceaseless torment and eternal separation from the God who created us.

There is good news and that good news is that Jesus did not stay in the grave, three days later He rose from the dead proving He is God and creating the bridge we so desperately needed to get to Heaven and avoiding the fate we were destined for, hell.

From this it is clear to me that we are indeed doing this day a disservice by calling it "Good Friday", it is much more than that, we should be calling it "Very Good Friday"!

For those of us who have placed our trust in Christ we also see a clear picture of our future. When our mortal bodies die and we are buried we will not stay there! We will be resurrected into glory with brand new bodies someday and live with God for the rest of eternity!

Praise the Lord! I cannot even comprehend what wonders we will see and what life will be like living daily in His very presence with no distractions, no sorrow, no sin; just plain and simple worship, free and unhindered. What a blessed day that will be when our faith becomes sight and we are finally released from all that ties us down here on this planet. Wow! It is not saying much but I can think of nothing else to say.


Good bye for now! Have a blessed Easter and meditate on what God has done for us, all of us!

1 comment:

John K said...

Thank you, Greg, for your kind comment on my blog. I can't reply by e-mail so I will leave a comment here.
I like your blog. I can tell you take some care in your writing -- your posts are well considered and thought provoking.
I see in your profile that you lost a child. We also lost a grandchild to SIDS several years ago. If not for our faith I don't know how our whole family would have made it through.

Take Care and keep on blogging.

John K