Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thoughts In The New Year—Jan. 8, 2008



I had intended to write this at the beginning of the New Year but as I wrote and then read what I wrote, I did not like it so I abandoned it. Here is another attempt.

Today I read my friend's blog, he wrote about Yancey's view of living within our circumstances, and it triggered within me a reminder of how we are to live even if our circumstances are not what we would consider "ideal".

The past year was one that I am so glad is now behind me. Kim and I went through so much last year that, at least for me, rivaled the year Grady died. It was tough and we are still dealing with some fallout from the things that God took us through last year. Stress was a constant companion although we put on a good public face! It is good to be on the other side now. Circumstances came into play in a huge way and I believe we learned to look more to God than we ever had. I hate that we have to go through those things to learn what we should already know and practice but that is the way of it.

One thing I did last year was to take a hard look at all the ministry things I was involved in and assess what God would have me do. I did not do this lightly. I prayed and I sought godly council from several men of the church and when I came out on the other side I had removed about half the things I was involved with and the burden of that lifted off my heart. What a great praise! I would encourage all of you to do a "ministry survey" if you're feeling stressed, because maybe God is trying to tell you something. I think it's as much a sin to do too much as to do too little. You simply can't put your best foot forward and God always wants our best.

A new year.

I don't do "resolutions" per se, but there is something about that flip of the calendar, seeing the fresh new year that causes me to look at my life and say that I want to do something fresh and new in the New Year. I had goals set for last year but they fizzled shortly after takeoff but I learned from last year and I like to think that maybe I have grown some as well. This year I would like to ignite my desires into full-fledged passion and writing is on the top of the list. When I TALK about writing my heart races and my imagination soars, but I have tanked when it comes to writing what I really want to write and I want that to change this year. I know I have learned more about the craft and I plan, with the new tool that will be at my disposal, to get more writing done, Lord willing.

I also hope to drop a few pounds and spend some time with one of our new pastors. I have found it most enjoyable to talk with him about spiritual things and it seems as though he would be willing to go hikin' and talkin', one of my favorite things! (Yes I KNOW it looks like there are two activities listed here but when I am doing these activities, they mesh into one! Hey! YOU came to MY blog so deal with it! I can call two one if I want to!) LOL!

Ok I don't want to burn your eyes with the first blog in over two months but once I get started I have a hard time stopping! Bye for now!

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