OK (DEEP Breath) This is a part of a story I started a long time ago and have been playing with in my mind but I have not sat down to work out the details of where I want this story to go. This part is not necessarily the start of the whole but it was an exercise in character development. I have done little to no editing and if you have comments I would gladly hear them.
The beginning of this whole story has evolved (YES I said EVOLVED, changed in many ways from the original thought!)and it is the basis for the way I named this blog as I have done. I have been too lazy to take real time to sit down and shape this story in which I have so many pieces! I will share more of it later. I would appreciate any comments.
Nilkus awoke with a start, squinting as he glanced around the room, eyes blood shot from lack of sleep.
Where am I he thought as his mind struggled against the confusion that dominated his sleep deprived mind.
Sun light streamed in through high windows and the candles which had, only a few hours ago, lit his small study which served as his home away from home, had gone out.
Memory crashed in on him as a wave against the rocky shore.
Ahh yes! It looks as if I've done it again! He chastened himself as once again he had neglected the fundamentals of life. When was the last time he had eaten, or bathed for that matter?
He stood and stretched his diminutive body as bones creaked and a groan slipped from his mouth.
I must stop doing this, I'm much too old to be sleeping at my work bench. This is the third time this week!
He smoothed back his long, thin, white hair and hobbled over to the water basin against the far wall splashing his face. After splashing water on his face he sat back down and surveyed his work from the previous night.
"Let me see," he mumbled as he leafed through the stacks of meticulous notes, looking first at one and then another and yet again at one lying on the bench in front of him.
"Hmmm…," setting the papers down he closed his eyes and stroked his white beard thoughtfully.
The answer had to be there, it had to be. He had not spent his entire life searching for these scrolls only to find that they did not contain the answers he sought!
Think Nilkus, think!
A sudden thought came to him. Scrounging around the piles of scrolls he discovered the one he was looking for near the bottom. Of course it would be the last scroll that I touched, he thought ruefully, but oh well, if it has what I am looking for I will have the answer I seek! Well, at least the start of the answer anyway.
Carefully unrolling the precious scroll he started scanning for the same symbols he had seen at Norgoth in the ruined temple. The symbols had importance because of their position in regards to the black sun that the ancient Norgoths worshiped. The symbol was the shape of an oblong diamond with no discernable lid but appeared to contain some sort of liquid. The liquid seemed to be associated with learning or understanding.
Nilkus felt a chill run up his spine like a serpent on a stone. He chuckled with delight when he realized that this was what he had been searching for all of his life!
The implications of what his studies had concluded were beyond his wildest dreams!
He had never turned away anything that added to his collection of knowledge. He had adventured where most would have been terrified to go and not thought a moment about it because he focused on the end result, more knowledge.
He had always been inquisitive and curious about his world. His parents, being scholars, had encouraged his pursuit of the riches of the mind and had let him into the library at an age when the Keepers frowned on young ones being in the same building as the delicate writings.
But he had learned a respect for-no a reverence for-the wealth that those dusty old scrolls contained. He had always loved mind games and searching out mysteries. He hadn't had many friends because while the other kids would play he would be in the library soaking in the words and symbols he found within.
And now that he was past his prime he thought back through the years of his life with no regrets. Not too many people found a passion for something early in life and let that same passion carry them through to their last breath. He was happy but never, ever content, there was always more to learn.
His passion had demanded a price though, and that was isolation. There were very few who could relate to him and so he found that more and more he was alone. That did nag at him on an occasion but for the most part he could shake it off with a few hours in his study.
There was one exception, Sola Swan.
Sola had been a soldier, indeed a Blade Master for the King for twenty years before he realized his true love was to learn.
One day shortly after his departure from the military he wandered into the library looking for records on the Horseshoe Mountains. Nilkus was there pouring over a scroll containing the potion for memory enhancement when he ran into Sola.
"Excuse me, sir," Sola said to the old gentleman seated at the table next to his.
"Well, what do you want," Nilkus asked with just a hint of irritation in his voice as he looked up to see a tall muscular man standing over him.
"My father is an adventurer and has just come back from the Horseshoe Mountains with tales of a strange four legged creature roaming about in the foothills. I had to find some reference to these creatures that I might pass on to him or utilize myself should I decide to study the beast further, but I am having little success locating any information on the Horseshoe Mountains let alone anything about its inhabitants."
Nilkus stared at this hulking human for a moment measuring him. He wanted nothing to do with this fellow in yet there was something about him...
With a sigh he motioned for the young man to be seated.
"What is your name young man," Nilkus asked having gained a measure of self-control.
"Sola Swan, sir, at your service," said the young man with a great deal too much cheerfulness.
"Sola Swan…Sola Swa…wait, are you in anyway attached to an Adden Swan?"
"Yes sir, he is my father."
"Well, Well," exclaimed the old scholar, rubbing his hands together, "I do know Adden Swan. He has been most valuable to me as he has brought me many fine items for me to study," the old man said with a far off look in his eyes, "I have learned much from his travels! Have you ever gone with him?"
"No. When I was younger my mother would not allow it and I have only now been relieved of my military duties. I have really not had a desire to go with him but my heart is to learn, to be a scholar," Sola said with passion in his voice.
Nilkus sat back and looked at the ex-soldier for a time, studying his face. There is something about this young man, something truthful and genuine.
Nilkus cleared his throat, "Young man," he began, "how would you like to become my apprentice? I am getting on in years and I don't want to loose what I have spent an entire lifetime collecting, treasure beyond imagination: knowledge!"
"I accept sir," Sola said grinning from ear to ear.
That was now twenty years gone by. Not only had Sola proven to be a wonderful student, but a good friend.
Now with this new discovery Nilkus could not wait to get to Sola and explain his findings!
1 comment:
They sound like interesting characters to me, but I think you are explaining too much. Don't tell us everything. Let us figure some things out about these caracters on our own. I want to know more about them, but not in an explanatory way. I want to see more movement, more action, more dialog. The things that you reveal about your characters in just a few sentences would be better discovered by your readers over time through the course of action and dialog. Does that make sense?
Also, I think it is fine that you don't have these characters fully figured out in your own mind. Let them evolve even as you write. Put them in situations and see how they act. And, be very selective in telling us why they do what they do - or why they say what they say. Just let them act. The reader will catch on.
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