I have been doing a lot of thinking about leadership the past couple of years and in fact had applied for several new management positions within our company as the we went through a reorganization. This reorg was not to down size but to add people, position us for the growth anticipated. We are currently adding forty plus new positions. That is a great praise! The Lord has blessed this company.
Anyway, in the process of trying to grow myself I have been reading leadership books and getting involved with whatever activity I can to improve my skills as a leader.
The books I have been reading come primarily from author John Maxwell. He brings a godly perspective while he delivers principles to help us to grow in our leadership abilities.
One thing that seems to haunt my thoughts is vision. Maxwell says that without vision a leader is really just going in circles. Vision is what drives a leader.
I want to establish a life vision. I want this to be based on what God has gifted me to do, what His will is for my life, how I can encourage people in their walks. If they are believers, encourage them to continue to fight the good fight and if they are not believers turn their thoughts to God and what He can do through Jesus in their lives.
Two ways I would like to do this:
- Writing. By using mediums such as this blog and other future outlets for writing I hope to get people to think. I have discovered that people don't tend to like to like to make decisions under the gun so with the written word people are able to read and reread and make decisions after taking time to ponder the ideas presented.
- Walking. One thing that really energizes me is to take a brother in Christ on a walk and just talk over the things of God. I could do that all day! Especially if there are mountains! In Iowa that is a luxury we do not have, but there are some wonderful places to walk. I enjoy building relationships. I am always excited to meet someone new. This in spite of the fact that I am an introvert. Crowds or parties wear me to the bone and I could do without them but one on one time is a great source of energy for me.
Anyway, this blog, though not seen by many, is a way for me to throw out ideas for people to muse over, food for thought if you will. I don't claim any special wisdom just taking from my life experiences and what I have learned from God's word, the ultimate source of wisdom, and putting them out for people to see and think about.
I really believe that God has given us minds to use as part of our being created in His image. We have creativity, wills, understanding, and emotions, all characteristics found throughout scripture of God.
Created in the image of God. We have come so far by using our minds and I am amazed at what we, as the human race, have been able to accomplish just in my lifetime…some forty plus years.
I have to admit with sorrow that not all of these accomplishments are to God's glory and some are to try and remove glory from Him but no matter how man twists the knife, the bottom line is that it is because of God's gifts to us that we are able to accomplish the things we do.
Each day has become exciting to me because I don't know what God has planned for each day! Extreme sports participants have nothing on the adrenaline rush I get each day wondering what God will do with this brand new day! So cool! It may not always be to my liking when the day reveals God's plan but I know that the worst of circumstances that come into my life God will use for His glory and my edification. What a great God we serve! Sovereign over all!
Well, this is 'so long' for now. Have a God filled day and may He bless you in ways you would never expect!
1 comment:
Hi Greg,
I used to post on an atheist website, just expressing my Christian thoughts in a reasonable manner. More than once, people wrote to me privately to say they appreciated what I said.
You never know who might be surfing and come across your blog and be blessed by what you write. Be faithful in your witness and following God's calling. You may not know this side of eternity what lives may have been changed through your obedience.
Take Care
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