Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Gospel Truth -- Nov. 4, 2008

We are in the middle of a new evangelism training system at church that has been really eye opening. The Elders are going through the training now and then we have a plan to try and get sixty or so more folks trained by Fall 2009.

This system is from a group called "Evantell" out of Dallas, Tx. The Elders of our church spent two days with them back in September and we started the training six weeks ago.

It's a twelve week program that gives you a simple way to share the gospel in everyday life. You don't have to add more items to your "list" but just find ways to incorporate those who need to hear about Christ and His gift to us into your daily life. It also gives you a simple way of sharing the gospel.

What is the gospel? In essence, it comes down to ten words:

"Christ died for sins and rose again the third day." That is the gospel! See I Cor. 15 for proof.

The training encourages you to get people talking about themselves and for you to listen to what they say. As you listen you can pick up on areas where you could grab onto and turn the conversation from secular things to spiritual things. Asking questions and listening are two keys to this process.  As the Holy Spirit leads sprinkle liberally with salt and light (Colossians. 4:6) and if the Lord opens the door share the gospel! The target of our conversations with non-believers.

Of course this can only happen within God's strength so it is vitally important to bathe all of your evangelistic endeavors in prayer, asking God for boldness and opportunities. If you do this be warned: God WILL provide those opportunities so you need to be prepared!

One great method of sharing the gospel is the "May I Ask You A Question?" track. It is straight forward, short, and simple.  If you don't have a way to obtain the track you can go to this web site and read all about it:


Remember: We can only share the truth with others, bring them to Christ; God brings Christ to them! He does the real work of conversion! He just wants you and me to partner with Him in leading the lost to Him.

If you get involved with evangelism I would love to hear of your experiences, good and bad. We may be doing a news letter once we kick this off in January and we want to include stories of how God has used people in His mission to find lost souls!  If you do have something you would like to share use the 'Contact Me'  link and email me.

God bless you as you walk in His ways!


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