Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The 'Pre' Week-In-Review--Nov. 11, 2008

I have a cold. I have a cold and I have to blame my father for my cold. No, I have not been close to my father in better than a week but he called on Saturday to say that he would not be coming over because he had come down with a cold. Now after talking with him on the phone I have come down with a cold and I stayed home from work yesterday because of it. Distance is no barrier to colds! Thanks, Dad! I think I need to upload Symantec's anti-virus suite so I can better fight this thing. If colds are now being transmitted over the phone lines, as seems quite obvious to me right now, then SURELY a good anti-virus software should cure my cold. Wouldn't you think??

Alyssa's musical was this weekend and as usual the kids did a great job but the overall story was a little lame! (NOT your fault Al, just not a great story) I can't wait for the spring and the play! Last year's play was so fun and Alyssa and the group she works with did such a terrific job in preparing! I love plays! I miss being involved myself so I now have to live vicariously through my daughter! Go get 'em, Little Love!

We also went to see the 'Wizard of Oz' this past weekend. Kyle's school did this classic for their musical and they did great too! The 'Wizard of Oz' is a much better story and I got to play with Emmy. WHO is Emmy you might ask? Emmy is one of the Renning's (from church) dogs and she is a sweet little poodle-ie  type dog who is immune to all excitement making her the best candidate to play the infamous 'Toto', as in, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto...", remember?

The Renning's also have a six month old mixture of energy and excitement named Riley and I really thought they should have used Riley as Toto. This dog would have added a new level of energy and probably changed the whole complexion of the play. tee hee! But I was the only one that could see the brilliance in that particular suggestion so the play went on as it was first scripted...Ho hum! Oh well, there's always next year!

Well, I have an upgrade to do tonight so I should sign off. See you later and have a pleasant evening!


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