Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's Here! 2009 Has Arrived! -- Jan. 1, 2009

The New Year is upon us and one thing that I have in mind for the start of this new year is a time of reflection. To look back at was has been and see if there is anything that I need to change or improve upon. With introspection I have seen many areas that need to change in my own life and many Mistakes I have made, not just in this past year but from way back when and have whipped up on me in this past year. But instead of backing up the dump truck and unloading all the guilt and shame I will allow myself some grace, as my God has, and try taking bite sized chunks to start the improvement process.

There are two areas that I have set out as a starting point:

1) My weight. I am way too heavy and I am tired of being tired. My goal is to lose 30 pounds this year. (I need to lose more but I will start small.) This equates to about less than three pounds a month which I believe is obtainable.

2) My writing. Though I have become more prolific in the last couple of months I want to do even better than that. I also would like to stretch myself more in the areas of research and becoming more profitable with my writing.

I did not mention a couple of other areas that I have seen take a nose dive this past year, because I want them to be a part of all I do and not just be something to strive for.

1) Make God a art of everything. In everything I do I want to do my very best. No more half way. No more mediocrity.

2) Integrity. I have always thought of myself as being a man of integrity but I saw this area slip this past year and I was in shame at some of the things I did or did not do.

Without the hand of God on my life I cannot hope to attain to any of these things so it is to Him I look first and foremost. I also need to come up with a plan, a mission, if you will, to get me on track and keep me focused on the things I need to do this year. Saying "No" will be a part of the plan.

Take some time to reflect on this past year. This is a new year with new challenges and new opportunities! Make plans, turn them over to God, and put your heart into all that you do! I think you will be surprised at the results!

Happy New Year to all of you!


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