Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Where are you?—March 28, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
A Bit-o-Laughter-March 21, 2007
I am suspecting that by now many of you out there are wondering how my blog has become so wildly popular. It is difficult to put into words but because I want all of you out there to succeed in your blogging, I will share my secrets with you here and now.
First and foremost you need to get a place to host your blog. If you don't what you will find is your frig pasted with all your "postings" and you will not get very many hits unless, of course, you open your home to the public. Come to think of it, that might be a good way to earn some extra cash but you must realize that you'll have to take the extra step of keeping your place clean. It's all such a give and take proposition! Mind boggling, I know!
You will want to make sure you pay top dollar for a blog site, like I am doing here with I would not think to pay less! It is worth it to get these missives out to you all! (I have even seen blogs that have pictures! I am serious here, folks! I am not sure how to get my photos out on the web like that. I have tried sticking my pictures from Wal-Mart into the disk drive but the only thing I get is a crunching sort of noise and a few pieces of picture flying from the drive opening, but never a one of them ends up on my blog page! I have even tried crayons, but the problem with that is the pictures you draw never really look like the photos you are trying to emulate and the pictures also hang around the screen no matter what web site you go to. And don't get me started on white out!!) If any of you know how to perform this amazing feat, PLEASE let me know! I will put YOUR name into MY blog giving you full credit for the vast hoards that flock daily to this site to see. Deal?
Another thing you need is a lot of cash. This is useful just in case your blog may not be quite as popular as you think it should be. What you do is this: Take the cash and give it people who own a computer (This is important to remember because without a computer you will need to invite them over to read your refrigerator: keep in mind the cleaning thing mentioned above!) and with cash in hand, these people will usually go out and have a look at your site. (I usually charge $5.00 and I am available.)
I would be remise not to mention the vast number of people that have come and looked at my site! I mean it's the people that really make a site so popular! In fact I would love to name each person individually who have visited my site so far but they would BOTH be embarrassed if I did that!
Well I have babbled enough today! I hope you all realize I have just been funning today. I do enjoy the blogging no matter how many (If any) come and read my hen scratching.
I love to read Dave Berry. There is no other author out there that makes me laugh so hard that I cry! I know what you are thinking, "I know Dave Berry, and Greg, you are no Dave Berry!" That is true or I would be called Dave and not Greg, but he inspires me to at least try to be funny once in a while and since this is my site I can do pretty much what I want with it! Good Bye for now! Have a good one!
Oh, by the way, I will be on vacation until NEXT Tuesday, March 27th so I will not be blogging until that time.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Dreams of a Dreamer-March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Writing for Life-March 19, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
March 16th Update
I am sorry I missed you yesterday, I was out sick.
In my last missive I talked about getting an update out to you on my writing process so here it comes.
I went to Barnes and Noble and took all my notes and ideas with me. I ordered a large hot chocolate and sat down to start coming up with an idea I felt I wanted to run with. What I am able to report is… that the hot chocolate was pretty good! LOL! The only thing that really came to mind was new names for some of the cultural people I have developed, which was good, because I have not been happy with a couple of the names.
I have thought that this whole writing process would be quicker though I knew it would be a long process. I first considered my time and B&N to be wasted but I did learn a couple more things and that is progress.
I am missing a good story line. I have a protagonist that I am beginning to like and an antagonist that I also like but who is woefully underdeveloped.
One thing that I am struggling with is the fact that I want my characters to be bigger than life with no person problems but this mindset is the exact opposite of what a good story should have, not to mention that real life is no bed of roses. I have too much compassion for my characters and this is a struggle to put them into nasty situations that could hurt them physically and\or emotionally. It may sound kooky but if I am going to make this work I need to get mean and nasty. I think I can do that…HEE HEE HEE ( evil laughter! LOL!)
Well, this is a short posting but I will keep you posted. The next week is going to be pretty hectic and we are getting away to visit some good friends in warm sunny Kansas so I do not know how much writing I will get done but I will let you know. Keep praying and I will work on it!
See y'all later!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Writer’s Blog-March 14, 2007
One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog was to give me some motivation to write what I really want to write: Fiction.
The thought was that if I set myself out here as a writer, sharing my thoughts and struggles about writing I would need to be writing. Amazing, I know. This is the brilliance of The Lazy Writer! LOL!
No, really my original thought was to take you all through my thoughts each day about how my writing was progressing and what pitfalls I was encountering, with a side of random thoughts thrown in as salt and light. So far it has just been random thoughts…
I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what I want to write and I have a ton of ideas that take me to about paragraph two in any given story. I plan to have some quiet time tonight as my family will be off at church and I am going to sit down and look at all the ideas I have written down and see if I can mix-n-match to come up with something that I am happy with.
One thing that I have read from another author, I don't remember which one off the top of my head, is roughly this-- we all have about 10,000 pages of garbage that we need to get out of our system before we have something that is of worth… With that said, I have a lot to do!
I have looked back at the early days and some of the things I wrote back then and there is some potential, if not the story line itself the style and detail were pretty good if I do say so myself. There is indeed a great deal of polishing I need to do but there was a spark of potential there. If I can just touch, in some way, someone with what I write it is all worth it. If what I write helps or entertains someone in this world then I have done what I really wanted to do. If, on the other hand, what I do reaches many people and I can get some income off what I write that is gravy, good gravy but gravy none the less.
I have a long way to go with grammar and spelling but I feel I am on the right track and I am hoping this blog will be another tool to motivate me.
Thanks for listening.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Soul-Weary-March 13, 2007
It amazes me how quickly we can become accustomed to the nice weather.
It can take all winter to get used the biting cold and by that time we are sick and tired of scrapping our windshields. But given one or maybe two nice warm days and we are in paradise.
Have you ever experienced burn out? Have you ever gotten to a point where deciding whether to have instant oatmeal or Cheerios for breakfast causes stress?
I am in one of those places right now. In fact, in my whole life I have never been this crispy. It is a tough place to be, one that I like to call "soul-weary". It is a deep dark place where the tiniest of daily decisions are stressful. Things that I would normally not even think about become difficult life and death struggles to come up with an answer. Soul-Weary.
As I have been analyzing my situation I have discovered that it all comes down to a combination of things.
- Spiritual indifference. When I start to drift from God things start to become a bit darker;
- Diet. When I intake too much caffeine it causes me to get grumpy and it sends me into orbit to a point where I can't focus for long, too hyper. I just can't sit still for a minute. Being one who enjoys thinking (I know it sounds weird but it is true!) it is hard not being able to focus for too long;
- Laziness. Yes, this fits in with my blog title. I get lazy. This can come in many forms such as "I just don't FEEL like it today." "I will do it tomorrow...", etc.
In any case it has culminated in a deep black funk.
I am not through this yet but I have turned it over to God in prayer and He has shown me that He is still with me and will not forsake me, ever, for any reason.
I have peace deep inside.
In fact, I believe God is teaching me something and, in a sense, I am excited about this whole situation and He has caused me to praise Him-as I should do in all situations anyway!
I am of the firm belief that God wants me to evaluate my current ministries and maybe step out of some or all of them. I would covet your prayers for wisdom in this situation. What this is all leading to is a reevaluation of my giftedness and God's call on my life. I have some budding ideas that I believe God is putting into my heart and mind but I am not prepared to speak about them yet.
Well, that does it for me today. I hope you all have a great day today and remember to take your burdens to the Lord because He does care for you and what is happening in your life!