Friday, March 9, 2007

First Timer--March 9, 2007

Well hello to you all! This is the first posting to my new blog. I have never had a blog before so I am a little nervous because the whole world can see what I write! How did I come up with the title? I was encouraged to start writting a couple of years back by some close friends of mine and I took their advice. I had the seed of a story idea that grew and morphed into something a little more interesting (at least to me!) but then I ran into a little problem: professional writers will call it the "middles". I had a pretty good begining and a pretty good ending but I could not figure out how to get from one end to the other so I quit. I knew I had to sit my rear end in a chair and plug through it or it would never get done. As you can imagine I did not do it. Oh, I thought about it and I took notes and started creating cultures and characters but I never went any farther. Then life took over and time and motivation bled away in an ever widening pool sweeping my desire to write away with it. I can tell you that you can read all the books you want to, you can join every writers group in your area, and you can read tons of motivational blogs on the web, but if you don't sit down with your pen and paper or your computer you will never get a story written! I am not a professional writer, never been published but I can pass this information on to you all as an expereinced lazy writer. Until I sit and start writing again, that is exactly what I am...Thus the title. Since the begining I have a ton of ideas but nothing with any real substance. I am ready to get rolling again and I am using this blog to encourage myself and maybe spark something in one of you out there. Plus I hope to keep you up to date on my progress with writting this year. I actually have goals set for this year, but that is another story for another day.

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