Friday, March 16, 2007

March 16th Update

I am sorry I missed you yesterday, I was out sick.

In my last missive I talked about getting an update out to you on my writing process so here it comes.

I went to Barnes and Noble and took all my notes and ideas with me. I ordered a large hot chocolate and sat down to start coming up with an idea I felt I wanted to run with. What I am able to report is… that the hot chocolate was pretty good! LOL! The only thing that really came to mind was new names for some of the cultural people I have developed, which was good, because I have not been happy with a couple of the names.

I have thought that this whole writing process would be quicker though I knew it would be a long process. I first considered my time and B&N to be wasted but I did learn a couple more things and that is progress.

I am missing a good story line. I have a protagonist that I am beginning to like and an antagonist that I also like but who is woefully underdeveloped.

One thing that I am struggling with is the fact that I want my characters to be bigger than life with no person problems but this mindset is the exact opposite of what a good story should have, not to mention that real life is no bed of roses. I have too much compassion for my characters and this is a struggle to put them into nasty situations that could hurt them physically and\or emotionally. It may sound kooky but if I am going to make this work I need to get mean and nasty. I think I can do that…HEE HEE HEE ( evil laughter! LOL!)

Well, this is a short posting but I will keep you posted. The next week is going to be pretty hectic and we are getting away to visit some good friends in warm sunny Kansas so I do not know how much writing I will get done but I will let you know. Keep praying and I will work on it!

See y'all later!

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