One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog was to give me some motivation to write what I really want to write: Fiction.
The thought was that if I set myself out here as a writer, sharing my thoughts and struggles about writing I would need to be writing. Amazing, I know. This is the brilliance of The Lazy Writer! LOL!
No, really my original thought was to take you all through my thoughts each day about how my writing was progressing and what pitfalls I was encountering, with a side of random thoughts thrown in as salt and light. So far it has just been random thoughts…
I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what I want to write and I have a ton of ideas that take me to about paragraph two in any given story. I plan to have some quiet time tonight as my family will be off at church and I am going to sit down and look at all the ideas I have written down and see if I can mix-n-match to come up with something that I am happy with.
One thing that I have read from another author, I don't remember which one off the top of my head, is roughly this-- we all have about 10,000 pages of garbage that we need to get out of our system before we have something that is of worth… With that said, I have a lot to do!
I have looked back at the early days and some of the things I wrote back then and there is some potential, if not the story line itself the style and detail were pretty good if I do say so myself. There is indeed a great deal of polishing I need to do but there was a spark of potential there. If I can just touch, in some way, someone with what I write it is all worth it. If what I write helps or entertains someone in this world then I have done what I really wanted to do. If, on the other hand, what I do reaches many people and I can get some income off what I write that is gravy, good gravy but gravy none the less.
I have a long way to go with grammar and spelling but I feel I am on the right track and I am hoping this blog will be another tool to motivate me.
Thanks for listening.
Hey, I like your blog so far. Keep it up. Perhaps this will get you over the hump with your writing. Forcing yourself to journal like this in a format that you know others are reading - it certainly can't hurt. And who knows, it might even help. I look forward to seeing you soon. Your friend, Greg.
Hey Greg, Good for you, Lazy Writer (You don't look so lazy to me)! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on writing and life. I laughed out loud; I related! Maybe I should start a blog... Nah, too much work. :)
Tell your wife I can't wait to see her and all the rest of you, Kelly
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