Monday, March 19, 2007

Writing for Life-March 19, 2007

As I look back on my life I have discovered that the times I have most enjoyed were the times I spent writing. It did not matter if I was doing a study from God’s word or if I was simply journaling, I discovered that during those times I found the most peace. Now having said that I don’t consider writing a source of peace in and of itself but I do consider it a gift from God as an outlet for my thoughts that can help me to sort through what is really on my heart. When this happens it often reveals something that I can then take to the Lord in prayer, and the Lord does give true peace. So what I am saying is that writing is a way to get my thoughts organized and help me to see what is really going on. I would consider this type of writing as ‘journaling’. It is not necessarily done for fun but to drain the excess emotion from my life. I would also encourage you to start journaling. You may find it to be a great outlet as well! I write in my journal as though I am talking to someone as this allows me to say what is on my mind and not burden someone else with all my “issues”. I know we are commanded to bear one another’s burdens and I am a full believer that we need to be obedient to that command but I also feel that I have so much to say that I have never opened up completely to anyone because I have way too much to say and I would be afraid of killing a person with all that is on my heart! Journaling is a great way to get everything off my shoulders. I took a long walk out on Indian Creek Nature trail yesterday and it was so good to get out! It seems the last couple of months I have done nothing but lay around and read, which, in and of itself is not bad but when that is all you do you tend to become a little like the sediment that settles to the bottom of a lake, thick and mud-like. Walking by myself or with a friend is something that really energizes me, especially if there are mountains around! ;-) When I take these walks I use the time to muse on any number of things but there are two things that always come to mind: 1) Prayer. I find a solitary walk in the woods is a great time to spend with God in prayer and I have had my most intimate times with the Father during these walks. I prayed for a wife on one such walk many years ago and shortly after I met Kim. JWhenever I need to make a tough decision I walk and talk with my heavenly Father on a beautiful trail somewhere because this is where I feel the closest to Him. I know this is just all in my mind but the results have been very good. Maybe it’s because I am more focused when I walk, I really don’t know, but that is what I seek when I need some good quality time with the Father. I don’t think walking itself adds any “power” to my prayers but I think it is just a better way for me to focus. The other thing I think about is, 2) Writing. I am most inspired when I walk. I have one story idea that has a lot of cultural development that came from walking on this same trail. It all started when I noticed several small “islands” in the middle of the creek that were completely green with grass. I had never seen such a thing and I thought that it looked like islands viewed from a long way up in the air. From there I found several more islands along the trail and began to develop a history as I went along. I remember one late evening I was walking along and worked up a history of one particular island. I had such vivid thoughts of it that I nearly scared myself as I walked back in the half-light of the moon-lit night. LOL! I guess that is a good thing! I have not taken it any farther than that but it is one of two story ideas that I have more completely developed. Once again, I look at my walks as a gift from God—in more than one way! Good bye for now!

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