Monday, September 29, 2008

A New Record! -- Sept. 29, 2008

I have set a brand new record! This is a not a record I was trying to break nor have I been training for it but it just goes to show you how perseverance can overcome any obstacle!

The record, you ask? First let me say that the previous record was two hours and now the record is ZERO hours! That's right! Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada, Big Fat Goose Egg 0! This record was for hours slept. (my eye is twitching. I'm so proud!) Yes I got no sleep last night. Surprisingly I feel pretty good so far but I know that once lunch is done I am toast.

Though it was a sleepless night it was not fruitless. I had a lot of thoughts that I was able to weed through, prayer was involved, and I came up with some new writing ideas, so all in all, not too bad if I can make it through...fourteen more hours! No problem! I just can't stop moving for one moment, eat lunch or lay down on the bosses' desk for too long. Should be no prob...YAAAWNNN--lem.

That's it for now. When the throttle of your mind sticks open thoughts come unbidden to your mind and one shows up boundless others are sure to follow. Think, if you will, of a small hole in a dam. Once a little water starts flowing it's not long before the entire reservoir pours through. Get your life jackets! Or better yet, your Tylenol PM!


Bye for now! I'm off to see if the boss is using his desk.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just A Random Ramble... -- Sept. 28, 2008

Liquid lead flows through your veins where blood should be flowing and your mind is wrapped with a shroud covering your seemingly dead creativity. Try as you might thoughts come only through Herculean effort and through unmitigated suffering.

You have been invaded by lethargy. A monster so insidious that it can swallow life whole. No mercy and no escape, when lethargy bites its poison penetrates to the deepest recesses and paralyzes as sure as a torn spinal cord. It is cold and unfeeling and does not discriminate, all are vulnerable to its vicious bite.

Within the icy grip, lethargy can seem like prison, a pseudo depression, like a mini-ice age of the heart, freezing activity and seducing inactivity, soothing the guilt as though induced by drugs. You want to lay down and melt into the deep fabric of Swamp Couch.

As gangrene begins to envelope your heart, your very being, hope opens a most unusual avenue of escape. That hope? That hope is to grasp the guilt lethargy sets to smoother in its viperous caress. That's right, grasp the guilt hold on to it like it's your lifeline; do not let it go! Don't give in to siren song that the hag known as lethargy croons , lulling you toward oblivion.

Normally we fight tooth and nail to rid our selves of guilt. Guilt makes us feel bad and as it grows it does not allow us to rest contentedly. Ahh! Starting to see the big picture? Starting to see the answer to overcoming the beast? Lethargy wants to lull us to sleep, to give up and pool up into a soggy stupor. However, if we grab onto the guilt it can bring us to a point action.

The beauty of this plan? When we fall into the lethargy trap our activity slows to near-death and we can feel as we're floating but floating away from what we should be or would like to be doing. Guilt begins to set in as mold as our minds slow and lead flows, but the beast's venom begins to numb our guilt sense, our conscience, and we slip into the bliss of oblivion. However, if we fight the effects of the oily poison, and do something, anything, the lethargy weakens its grip and as we do the things we should be doing the guilt fades away as well.

This is not new age cosmic psycho babble but a biblical inspiration. God wants us to do our best in all things and He has provided the Holy Spirit as our Helper; God living in us! What a great gift! The Holy Spirit uses our consciences as a tool to help keep us on the straight and narrow. When we get off-target He pulls the trigger of conscience to help us to see our error. When we listen we can be free of the guilt but when we choose to ignore that still small voice we grow deeper in guilt. This is not to say that we can use guilt ourselves and overdo the guilt feelings but it is a tool God uses to help us to stay on track. When we let lethargy win we become lazy and unresponsive. God can use guilt to bring us back on track.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Weekend Time! -- Sept. 26, 2008

It is finally time for the weekend! It has been an interestingly good week. I have really enjoyed the last few weekends and interestingly enough Friday nights have been particularly good. Not so much that good things have happened but I have had a overwhelming sense of peace and refreshment on Friday nights. (It's best if you just leave this one alone and chalk it up to one of my idiosyncrasies.) I don't know why because that has not been true historically for me but lately it sure has!

That's all I wanted to say. In truth I just couldn't not write something today and it had to be something that I could just let flow. Best place to do that is right here!

Have a great and wonderful weekend!


Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Have A Plan...--Sept. 25, 2008

I have a plan. This may not seem like a big deal to most of you, especially you "planner" types, but to me it is a step in the right direction, at least I think it's a step forward.

Saturday promises to be a nice day and my yard needs some spring cleaning. No, I am not confused, at least not any more confused than normal. (OK! I AM confused but it has nothing to do with my plan so back off!)  I know it's Fall but my yard did not get its annual cleaning this year. That time of year that I pull all the weeds and trim all of the foliage and generally make the trash man unhappy. Not a bad plan in and of itself but that is not all! (I know what you're thinking here: "How could it get more elaborate?")

Well, here is where I plan to kill two birds with one stone. (Where'd the stones come from?) I have been weighted down with guilt about my lack of time I have been spending with my wonderful family. My daughter is at the age where she has so many things going on that she makes Buggsy the Famous Juggler (C'mon! You have to have heard of Buggsy!) look like a fraud! She is BUSY and handling it with poise and in-human responsibility! I am not only amazed but incredibly proud but she never has the time for me to tell her so! So here it is, Alyssa:
I am PROUD of you! Keep up the good work! (She's probably too busy to read this but I tried!) Logan is busy with TV, video games and football. I would add school but he does not formally recognize school as an activity worth mentioning! And Kim she is her usual motherly self busy keeping our house rolling along.

So Saturday I am planning an adventure in the yard. After saying all I said I am offer Alyssa an escape because she has been so busy and has very little downtime. She is very welcome to join us but it is not a requirement for her.

Kimberly also has the choice since she has other household activities that could occupy her time but again she would be most welcome to join us.

Logan and I have a mandatory roll this Saturday. I have any number of tasks which would allow us to work side by side and gain in two ways: 1) we gain satisfaction form a job well done; 2) We get to spend time together away from electronic diversions!
I realize that this is not necessarily a "fun" activity for Logan but I wanted us to do something together. Again this is open to the whole family but the girls will have an out. Besides, us men will be hungry for lunch after we do all that work!

Ready or not family, here Saturday comes!

By the by, Kyle, you are welcome to join us too!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! -- Sept. 22, 2008

Well we went to Adventureland on my company this past Saturday and had a nice time even though we missed Alyssa.

Before we hit the park we had the privilege of meeting with the Holmes as they were in Des Moines for a family get together. It was so nice to see them even though it was for a short time. It is always a blessing for me to sit and talk with Greg.

Anyway be broke away from that fun and headed for the park. We all were hungry and lunch is usually around 1130 and goes until 1300 but...

We got to the park and found our tickets and instantly noticed a mistake, a real typo right on the ticket. Instead of 1130 the ticket proclaimed lunch was at 1300! That had to be a mistake, my stomach wouldn't lie! I boldly proclaimed to my starving family as we dragged our weakened bodies across the tarmac that I would straighten it all out by walking right into the Palace Theater and prove to them it was a mistake! 1300 has always been the ending time not the starting time!

As it turned out the ticket was correct so we had to find someway to distract our stomachs for a whole hour and a half! Do you realize how difficult it can be to try and soothe a cantankerous stomach let alone THREE cantankerous stomachs?!? Not pleasant, let me assure you! It took all my will power not to break down and get a funnel cake...for each of us!

We did make it until lunch but only because some kind soul opened the doors early. We went at 1245 to get in line and discovered to our joy the doors were already opened, there was not much of a line and the food was ready!

Tears streamed down our cheeks as we cried out with joy at the sight of people serving our lunch. OUR lunch! I sobbed to the older man whose line I had stepped into and with tear stained cheeks I went to kiss his him for the bounty of his grace toward my family and me! I suspect that the joy we felt was contagious because he has not been seen since he screamed and ran out the door. It's good to be able to be an encouragement to others!

Another perk of coming to Adventureland on IHS day is that during lunch they have door prizes. Usually they hand out gift certificates from various businesses and just as usual I never win, so as we finished our lunch we decided it would not be worth the effort to see EVERYONE else gather there prizes so we headed back out to the park.

Later I met a friend who told me I won! I scowled at him for making fun of me and the winless streak I was on. I threatened to bring him to HR for...for...well, for something! It's never a nice thing to tease someone in regards to their shortcomings!

So today I went straight up to HR and told them what I thought about my friend and his callous treatment and wondered what form of torture they would inflict on him, thumb screws I was hoping, when lo and behold they handed me an envelope with my prize. MY PRIZE! I had won! It's a first! No it was not a chicken dinner but a gift certificate to Wal-Mart but, come to think of it, they do have chicken dinners so it might turn out to be a chicken dinner after all! Very cool! SO flexible!

Ok I'm back. Sorry about all of that! My mind left but my fingers stayed behind and just kept typing. Oh well, I don't have time to fix it now so I'll just leave it for now!

Have a wonderful day and if I don't see you before have a good weekend too!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today is the Day...Sept. 17, 2008

I have two more articles in the chute but one is just barely started and I'm not having near the success with that one as I thought I would when I first jotted the idea down so it sits there staring at me with accusing eyes wondering where the flare went. I can't answer that right now.

However, I have a full first draft done on the second article that I wrote last night but it needs rewriting so it's not ready for the limelight yet, but at least I have the first draft done. I have more hope for this article than I do for the first one mentioned here. This article is not being quite so elusive although I have this unrealistic notion that all my articles should flow freely from inspiration instead of that being the exception and work and sweat being the norm. Well, as they say, "Forewarned is forearmed". Cool saying but who are "they" anyway? I think they must be quite influential because "they" say a lot of things; some of the things "they" say are even profound.

Today is my last day of work as I will be heading off to an Evantell conference with some of my fellow elders. We leave at 0630 tomorrow morning and return on Friday afternoon. It should be a great time and I pray the Lord will take what we learn and help us to disseminate to our church family that we could all employ what we've learned for fruitful labor for the Lord.

On Saturday the company I work for is having a day at Adventureland for us and we are going. The sad news is that Alyssa will not be able to go with us as she has other pressing business but at least Kim will be there to keep Logan and I in line. Tall order, Honey!

Well, I'm signing off for now. Have a God filled day and week!


Monday, September 15, 2008

First Week Back -- Sept. 15, 2008

It has been just over two months since The Flood of 2008 chased us from home and work. Gazing out the window this morning I remembered taking a break during our evacuation back in June. The water swirled and then roared down the same streets my cohorts and I two days before had been walking on during a break at lunch time. Quite surreal.

Of course the downtown has not fully recovered and may not for many years but there are some real signs of life. Restaurants are opening, businesses are coming back on line and people are starting to filter back to their abandoned offices. I don't know the numbers but there are sure signs of new life in downtown Cedar Rapids.

We walked by the library the other day I took a moment to peek into the window. The appearance is that they are ready to put it back together but the rumor is that is will be another two to three years before it's operational again. It's a sad thing to think about being a library fan. It was a wonderful place to steal away to when things got to stressful in the ol' cube here in the office. Oh well, Lord willing it will be back eventually.

Since the new Cedar Rapids government took over a couple years ago the library seems to have taken the brunt of their fiscal cuts. The joke in my circle of friends it that whenever there's a leak in the skywalks they have to cut the library budget to be able to afford to fix it. What I can't understand is how all of a sudden CR has fiscal problems when all the years before they did not seem to have any issues wit money? Hmmm...Oh well, I live in Marion so just curious.

Well, that's it for now. I did not get any more articles written this weekend but I do have at least two more ideas but they really don't fit into any of the known helium categories that I have been able to find yet but I won't give up that easily!

Good by for now.

Walk humbly with God and trust Him even when things look bleak. He won't leave or forsake you even in the tough times.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Title Change? New Blog?? -- Sept. 12, 2008

I am just coming off another week of call and it wasn't to bad, but it's ALWAYS good to be coming off of cal as opposed to just starting call..."Only seven more days of call left" I'd say wryly at 5:00 PM on Friday night of my first day of call.  Usually the worst part of being on-call is a mental game--"I have to start call tomorrow! Woe-is-me!"  (Usually!) In reality call is normally not that bad. It really doesn't hinder plans too often.

I have another article I'm working on on how to study your Bible.  I have it mostly done but as I was re-reading it, it just didn't flow like I wanted it to so I need to do some revising. This will be my second how-to article and though I am writing instructions for installing software multiple times a day I find this type of article the most challenging so far.

This will be my sixth article, doubling my previous output. It is really exciting to me as I begin to become more prolific! I really like writing and I am especially enjoying these shorter articles right now. Perhaps it's because it's helping me to grow in the writing mechanics and helping me to become more comfortable in the whole writing arena. I still would like to do a novel  or six but for now I am content in writing these smaller articles.

I still am not sure how I'm really doing, if my writing is any good, but it is great to just to write! The rating system on goes a goodly way toward a benchmark but it can't compete with the verbal feedback of a writers group. I may have to see if the Noble Pen is still meeting and get back in with them. they always had good feedback for writers. I'll see.

As much as I have actually been writing lately the "Lazy Writer no longer applies, I may have to change the title. Having said that I'm not even close to some of the writers on Helium. Most have a at least one writing star and have written tens if not hundreds of articles. WOW! I have  ways to go. But guess what? I'm not them, I'm me and me (I? No, me is funnerer) has only five articles completed to date and one in the tube ready to launch.

One thing that I have been exploring is starting a second blog that I would entitle, "Triple E". This stands for Enlightenment, Encouragement, and Entertainment.

I would use this site to write articles that would have the three-fold purpose of enlightening folks to God and the many benefits of His kingdom, encourage those who are looking for hope, and, hopefully, some entertaining short stories as well. Triple E! (Get it?)

I have not put any more thought into than that but I want it to be professional and well thought out so you probably won't see it before the beginning of the year, Lord willing.

If you're looking for something to pray about and don't have anything better to pray for, this could be a good subject.

Good bye for now! Go in God's grace and may His mercy find you every moment of every day.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Stray, Although Odd, Thought -- Sept. 10, 2008

I have an interest in a broad area of disciplines: Science, literature, mankind, the list goes on and on. I read an article about the Higgs particle, or commonly referred to as the God particle, in a news article this morning and one tiny portion having nothing to do with the article itself, caught my attention.
A new multi-billion dollar particle accelerator is to be utilized to try and discover this “God particle” by racing protons around a seventeen mile ring at near the speed of light and cracking their skulls together at the end. Through this process scientists hope to discover how particles get their mass. Dr. Stephen Hawking, renowned British astrophysicist, indicated that he hoped that they would not find the particle so that they could spend more time thinking about it, studying it, getting to know the idea better, really dig into it more. This sentiment intrigued me and caused me to think for a moment. The following is the culmination of my thoughts:

I have been reading a trilogy based on the popular computer game, “Myst”. The characters are from a fictional land deep within the earth called D’Ni. (Pronounced Duh Nee)They have lived there for many millennia and their society has formed into a number of groups called “guilds”. Each guild has a separate skill set that has evolved over the years as each has improved upon their particular specialty. The bottom line is that they are intelligent, thinking beings who desire to learn and build upon their knowledge. Of course, they have problems like any other society but I love the thinking and learning that their culture is built upon. Simply put, their role in life is to learn as much as possible and then to take action from what they have learned. The main character, Aitrus, always has a notepad with him and is constantly documenting what he observes from the environment around him. This is passion for him.

Most of us have been on a treasure hunt at one time or another. We attend a birthday party or, in the case of my children, visit their grandparents’ for a week in the summer. This hunt can take many different forms and in the case of my kids treasure hunt, there are clues they have to solve to finally find the hidden treasure. What I love about this is that it requires thinking--using the mind God has given us. What does this have to do with the “God-particle” and Stephen Hawking? There is one common thread: The desire to think; to seek; to explore. This is so cool!

During my brief time of thought on this subject I have come up with a theory that gives me chills. Not chills of fear but of excitement.

God gives us so much including salvation, but our lives are not about religion or even just about salvation. We have been created in the image of God and that means we have the capacity to think, to dream and to create. All of us have these abilities in one degree or another. To search out a thing is the glory of man.

Here’s my theory:
When God created all things He did it in such a way that would require us to learn, to dig, to seek if we wanted understanding. We’re not created to lounge about and simply reach up to pluck a fruit from the vine when the urge takes us but we are to glorify God by doing. Whatever you do, do it all as though to the Lord. We glorify God by working hard. That may be physical labor or it might be in puzzling out the mysteries of the universe. As God was putting all of this wonderful creation together (By the way, He didn’t have to look at the install instructions!(They were in Spanish anyway!) Now you know where we guys come from when we think we can do it without the instructions. We’re just following our Father’s example! :)) He placed treasures and mysteries, just like the summer treasure hunts or the God particle, for us to apply our minds to discovering! Isn’t that cool?! Whether it is archeology, biology, medicine, physics, art, whatever, we can apply ourselves to uncovering the treasures and mysteries that God has planted for us to find in His creation. And, if we take these discoveries and look at them objectively, we can see that, indeed, there is a God and He does want to be found. That desire to be found is catalogued in His word, the Bible. That book also, requires investigation and time. As you roll through this masterpiece you soon discover, as many others have discovered throughout history, that many lifetimes would never be enough to know all that God has reveled about Himself to us through His word.

I think that God, being infinite, can never be fully known by us but when our time in this world is over and we are in Heaven we will have eternity to continue our research and have God Himself by our side!
Apply your whole self to all that you do because in doing that you glorify God and set a good example to those around you, pointing others to the Master in Heaven.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Floating on Helium -- Sept. 8, 2008

You may recall that I took up residence on a web site called a few months back. Since that time I have reviewed almost two hundred articles (called 'rating' on the web site) and now have written five articles.

In one way or another I have liked all the articles I have written but mostly they have ranked in the 50-60% area in terms of the number of articles written for a given topic.

This past weekend I wanted to write and was intrigued by a title that came to my attention called "Thief on The Cross". Earlier in the week that topic had come to my mind, the reason escapes me at the moment, but there it was in all of it's glory. I had to write!

It took me a good three hours, which is typical for a 400-1500 report including some rewriting, but I succeeded in doing it.

I published it out to the sight and left it alone for critique.

There were only three others that had published to this title so I figured I couldn't do much worse than fourth but I felt pretty good about this article.

The next day I went out to investigate and low-and -behold I was number 1! That's right, my article was chosen the best out of four! I was really excited and there is no better motivation to write than to get some good critiques! I had to praise the Lord for His kindness toward me! I am still pretty stoked! (Is 'stoked' still ok to use now days?? Oh well, I used it anyway!)

By the way, the number one rating doesn't mean a whole lot in and of itself but as I rate others and as my writing improves and I start nailing articles in the 25% range, I can earn money. And YES I have earned money as of this writing! (At this point if you struggle with greed or are inclined to jealousy you'll want to turn away for a moment while I brag about my writing income!) I have earned, sit down now, $0.02! Yes you did see that correctly! Two Cents! One cent for an article I wrote a while back and one cent for the other! They were both in 50-60% range so I can't wait to see if I get paid for my No. 1 article! I would think five or maybe even, dare I think such extravagant thoughts, ten cents! WOW! (I'm quitting my day job, Honey!) Honestly, I'm not sure how I get paid it has never been clear to me but getting a no. 1 article sure was a boost of encouragement to continue!

This has fired my imagination for another blog that I would like to start but I have not worked out the details yet so I'm not sure how or when I will start it but it is tumbling around in my noodle at this time.

If you would like to read my articles click on the link on the left of this page and it will take you to my articles page on Feel free to give me feedback as I am always wanting to improve my writing skills!

Put the Lord first in all you do and He will guide you in His will!

Good Bye, all!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Update on my Type -- Sept. 3, 2008


I am at home today not feeling well. My sinuses are full to overflowing and that makes doing anything difficult. In fact, Kim and Logan are here with me suffering from the same thing. It's not a usual happening around here, to say the least.

After a break this weekend I got back into "Do Who You Are" and I have made a decision: I need to go back through all the material I have already done but more carefully. As I was reading about people with my type I discovered that what they really cherish I don't find I had the same desires. I'm not sure I'm wrong about what I did pick but I want to reevaluate and make sure I am spot-on.

Now that I am done with the Book of James I have started a personal study using Chuck Swindol's book "growing Deeper in The Christian Faith" and I am excited about it and I will tell more as the days go on.

Not much more for today.  Don't forget to spend some time with God today, He's waiting for you!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." 

Proverbs 3:5 - 6